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胡风和周扬走向了两条不同的典型化之路。Hu and Zhou walked on the two different ways of typicality.

在整个新疆地区最具有代表性和典型性。In the whole xinjiang region is the most representative and typicality.

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典型化是一切艺术美的核心,也是摄影艺术美的核心。Just as all the other of arts, photographic art owes its life to typicality.

因此,对湖南农村聚居模式的研究具有典型和借鉴意义。Therefore, the case study of Hunan province shows meaningful typicality and reference.

因此,新疆沙尘暴天气变化在全国具有一定的典型性和警示性。So, the variance of duststorm weather in Xinjiang has a definite typicality and warning.

模型和参数具有典型性,研究方法合理、有效。The models and parameters possess typicality . The methods are reasonable and efficient.

但作为个体,他的这种经历使他具有了一定的特殊性和典型性。But as the individual, this kind of experience of his made him have certain particularity and typicality.

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自然主义的典型性不仅体现在它的理论中,也体现在文学作品中。The typicality of naturalism not only reflects in the theory of naturalism, but also in the literary work.

就地区的典型性与代表性来说,南京是中国南方第一的古都。Considering regional representation and typicality , Nanjing ranks the first ancient capital in South China.

这是一只有着中国特色的华南虎,这是一只政绩和利益加身的华南虎。This is a tiger with Chinese typicality . It involved officials' chances for promotion and other economic benefit.

它具有一定的通用性和典型性,必定将有一定现实意义和应用前景。It is of a certain commonality and typicality , we will have some practical significance and application prospects.

在并列短语的典型性方面,作者提出“意义优于形式”的观点。As far as the typicality is concerned, the present analysis argues that meaning is superior to form in using coordinate phrases.

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宇宙学家们通常会含糊的敷衍过去,并假定我们的典型性已经非常明显了,没有比要再进一步讨论。Astronomers typically gloss over these questions, assuming our own typicality sufficiently obvious to warrant no further discussion.

这种忽视主体的界定,丝毫没有触及艺术典型化的特殊性。This kind of formal demarcation ignores the relevant them, which has nothing to do with the particularity of the artistic typicality.

本研究的结果表明,增加与先行词同一范畴的干扰词的典型性,会使先行词通达困难,导致回指推理失败。The study results suggested that increasing the typicality of same-category distractor will cause anaphoric inference resolution fail.

新疆玛纳斯流域是新疆最大的绿洲农耕区,该流域自然环境特点和社会经济发展在新疆均具有典型的代表性。Manas river valley is the biggest agricultural area in Xinjiang, the natural environment and economic development of Manas river valley is typicality.

控制知觉材料的熟悉性和概念范例的典型性,以考察它们对内隐与外显记忆发展的影响。Two experiments were presented to test the effects of perceptual familiarity and conceptual typicality on the development of implicit and explicit memory.

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宁波方言是北部吴语中较有代表性的一个方言点,其三身代词的语音类型在吴语中具有一定的典型性。Ningbo dialect is a relatively typical dialect in northern Wu-Chinese, for its phonetic type of its person pronouns is of certain typicality in Wu-Chinese.

其本质特征在于对有生命的、不断生长变化的自然领土景观的保护与利用,以确保其完整性与典型性。Its essential character is to protect and utilize the living and constantly changing natural territorial landscape in order to ensure its integrity and typicality.

大九湖湿地是我国较为稀少的亚高山湿地,其泥炭沼泽湿地类型更具有独特性、典型性、代表性。Dajiuhu wetland is a sparse type of subalpine wetland in our country, especially famous for its peat-swamp wetland which has uniqueness, typicality and representativeness.