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所以要多反省自己。So be a little bit introspective.

亦或你是在深刻反省,思绪万千,需要别人给你个拥抱吗?Are you feeling introspective and thoughtful and need a hug?

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5月24日的新月后你将变得沉默而内省。At the new moon, May 24, you will begin a quieter, more introspective period.

但是它行文的精致和内省,言语的机敏又使它不落此窠臼。But it is also delicate, introspective and mercurial, which ensures that it's not.

所以我的部落格,记载的是我内心的感觉,看法,感触,领悟。So my blog is an introspective diary of my feelings, opinions, emotions and epiphanies.

或许,对于孤芳自赏的美术来说,电影更适合他。Perhaps film suits him better than fine arts, which are more introspective and self-absorbed.

她们喜欢有点儿神秘,充满诱惑力,更加内省的男人。They want a man who is maybe a little mysterious and alluring. A man who`s more introspective.

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画中人以某种极端内省的姿态照映出彼此的欲望。In a word, the characters reflect each other's desires with an extremely introspective attitude.

我们变得如此多虑以至未能为促进社会发展做出相应的选择。We have grown so introspective that we fail to make choices that contribute to social transformation.

健康和幸福的目的是给你一个杂志一段内省之旅让你追求的问题。Health & Happiness magazine aims to offer you an introspective journey to allow you to pursue the issue.

怀疑精神就是不断探寻根据的精神,反思精神就是追求合理性的精神。The sceptical spirit is one to seek grounds constantly and the introspective spirt just to seek rationality.

研究者发现,一个人的右前额叶皮层中灰质含量越高,他的自省能力就越强。It appears that introspective ability may depend on the volume of gray matter in a certain part of the brain.

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虽然它在某种意义上有其一定价值,除非你想变得喜欢自我反省和分析,对于大多数人,它只是麻烦的制造者罢了。And while it has some value if you want to be very introspective and analytic, for most of us, it just bogs us down.

中年痞子男达蒙-塞尔瓦托比那个较自己年轻、更善于内省的弟弟斯特凡-萨尔瓦托还令人印象深刻。The older, evil Salvatore character has impressed more than his younger, more introspective brother, Stefan Salvatore.

一位捐献者被门诊医生描述为“讲话温柔、性格内敛、善于思考”,给人“整洁、无拘无束的感觉”。One donor is described by the clinic as 'softly spoken, introspective , deep thinking' and with a 'neat, relaxed style'.

已有研究显示,女性同时处理多件任务的能力和内省能力优于男性,而女性脑内休息区更活跃正好可以解释此现象。The more active resting female brain may explain their reported ability to multi-task and be more introspective than men

本研究期望能够给予政府、苗栗县社区大学、社大学员与后续研究者反思的参考。This research aims to provide an introspective reference to the government, MCCC and its students, and future researchers.

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描述符方法优于内省式方法的主要一点是可以提供更特定的消息。The primary advantage of descriptor methods over introspective approaches is the ability to provide more specific messages.

我希望萨默斯和克林顿政府的其他官员再好好反省一下,他们当初本可以推出哪些不一样的举措。I wish he and other Clinton administration alumni were a bit more introspective about what they might have done differently.

出于他的自我保护,如果我花了整个一生来制作物体的轻薄无聊,我可能也会反省自己。In his defense, if I spent an entire lifetime making objects of frivolity , I might be inclined to be introspective as well.