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那家联合大企业分割了这个商行。The conglomerate dismembered the business.

宝洁公司是一家生产个人卫生用品的大集团公司。Proctor & Gamble is a large personal product conglomerate.

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世界足球运动已经扩大到了广阔的砾岩。World football has expanded into a vast sports conglomerate.

与熔岩呈过渡的火山碎屑岩主要为角砾熔岩和集块熔岩。The second rock is mainly breccia lava and conglomerate lava.

如由统一超商主导的流通次集团。A Logistics Sub- conglomerate led by President Chain Store Corp.

目前集团公司年产值超十亿元。Annual output value of conglomerate is over billion yuan at present.

国际足球运动已经扩大到了广阔的砾岩。International football has expanded into a vast sports conglomerate.

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数据表明,这家集团的现金正在大量流失。The figures showed that cash was haemorrhaging from the conglomerate.

大溪砾岩的砾石成分有向上趋于复杂的特点。The pebble component of Daxi conglomerate trends to complicated upwards.

在澳大利亚,尚未发现可开采的含铀砾岩。In Australia no exploitable uraniferous conglomerate has been discovered.

钻粉和岩心已穿过了砾岩夹层。Cuttings and core from the drill-holes have intersected conglomerate bands.

三棱财团以此前十倍价格出售其冷冻产品。Mitsubishi conglomerate sells frozen stockpiles at tenfold previous prices.

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中国人寿是中国最大的国有商业保险集团。China Life is China's largest state-owned commercial insurance conglomerate.

生油层系中的砾岩体和特殊岩性体圈闭。Conglomerate deposits and special lithologic deposits inside source formation.

砂岩和砾岩辨别是砂和砾石凝结的产品。Sandstone and conglomerate are the consolidated equivalent of sand and gravel.

殷坑组底部存在一层底砾岩及褐铁矿等古风化壳沉积物。A layer of conglomerate and ancient residuum sediment, such as limonite is found.

很快,他从商业界转战制糖、面粉和水泥界。Rapidly grew business into conglomerate with interests in sugar, flour and cement.

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联想控股是由中国政府部分持有的投资企业集团。Legend Holdings is an investment conglomerate partly owned by the Chinese government.

位于明尼苏达州圣保罗的综合企业3M的触角遍布很多领域,从触摸屏到狗的咀嚼玩具。Paul, Minn. , conglomerate 3M has a hand in everything from touch screens to dog chews.

科赫工业是美国一家巨型集团企业,像嘉吉一样,触及了各个领域。Koch Industries is a giant US conglomerate which, like Cargill, has its hands in many pies.