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接着,她教了我五道奥数题。Then she taught me five Olympian math problems.

那是她那本奥数书的最后一讲了。It is the last topic for her Olympian math book.

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接着她又教了我另外的五道奥数题。Then she taught me other five Olympian math problems.

但是我在想,是啊,我成为奥运史上最伟大的运动员,还真挺酷的。But I just kept thinking, wow, greatest Olympian of all time.

卡普尔应该抓住这次奥运的机会好好疯一把。Kapoor should seize this Olympian opportunity, and run like crazy.

南非奥运选手奥斯卡·皮斯托瑞斯在等待谋杀指控的审判。While South African Olympian Oscar Pistorius who waits trial for murder.

正因为如此,很少问她出席重要奥海事件。Because of this, she was rarely asked to attend important Olympian events.

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不像在他面前最奥海古典主义,他不愿意透露姓名和隐私。Unlike most Olympian Classicists before him, he preferred anonymity and privacy.

就算他没有获得一块奖牌,但也会是一名奥运选手。Let’s say he doesn’t get a gold, silver or bronze medal, but is just an Olympian.

在众多的奥林波斯山神中,太阳神阿波罗最受推崇。Among the crowd of Olympian gods the one most widely admired was the sun god Apollo.

虽然落在最后一位,这位奥运选手还是坚持到比赛结束,展现出他的毅力。Even though he was in last place, the Olympian showed his grit by finishing his race.

奥林匹亚众神创造了第二种人类,白银人类,他们远逊于黄金人类。The Olympian gods made a second race of silver, far less favored than the one of gold.

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除了献唱新歌,晓琪也说了一段鼓励的话语,给参赛选手打气加油。Besides singing, Winnie also said a few words of encouragement to the Olympian athletics.

在罗马神话中,朱庇特是天空和地球的和其他奥林匹亚的神的王。In Roman mythology, Jupiter was the king of heaven and earth and of all the Olympian gods.

今天早上,我女儿做了暑假作业,并且教了我五道奥数题。My daughter did her summer homework and taught me five Olympian math problems this morning.

在这种意义上,希克斯是前无古人后无来者的。In this sense, no economist before or since Hicks, has achieved such "Olympian" scholarship.

今天早上,我女儿完成了她的学习任务,并且教了我五道奥数题。My daughter finished her learning tasks and taught me five Olympian math problems this morning.

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今天早上,我女儿很高兴。因为今天的奥数题对她来说是比较容易的。My daughter was very happy this morning because today's Olympian math problems were easy for her.

春天和青春女神,宙斯和赫拉地女儿,是奥林匹亚诸神中地斟酒女神。The goddess of youth and spring and the daughter fo Zeus and Hera cupbearer to tho Olympian gods.

在克洛诺斯反对宙斯的斗争中,普罗米修斯站在奥林帕斯山诸神这边。In the conflict between Cronus and Zeus, Prometheus had adopted the cause of the Olympian deities.