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我不知不觉掉进了梦网。I unawares fall in the dream net.

暮年不知不觉地来到。Old age creeps upon one unawares.

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你必须捕捉它不知不觉地去知道它。You must catch it unawares to know it.

我会突然而不自主地感到自己在颤栗。I shall feel myself shudder, suddenly and unawares.

我自己不知不觉跌进了死神的陷阱。I am myself fallen unawares into the snares of death.

他在一个冬夜闯进我的书房,这相当令我惊讶。He came into my study one winter night and caught me quite unawares.

他还派出了巡逻队,以确保没有敌人能偷袭他们。He sent out scouts as well, to make certain no enemy took them unawares.

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雅各背着亚兰人拉班偷走了,并不告诉他And Jacob stole away unawares to Laban the Syrian, in that he told him not that he fled.

顺着她的目光一瞧,原来座位上不知哪位乘客不注意,掉了几滴水,弄温了椅面。I cast eyes in that direction and found the seat moistened by a previous occupant unawares.

数个邻国表示关切,并不出乎北京的意料。The expressions of concern from several neighbouring countries did not catch Beijing unawares.

比其他打法更常见的是,你也许在困境中不知不觉地误入回流挤牌的领域。More frequently than with any other area of card-play, you may stumble into backwash country unawares.

现在你知道该注意哪些预兆了吧,这下就可以不用担心通货膨胀临头还不知道了。Now that you know what to look out for, you won’t have to worry about being caught unawares by inflation.

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我说过,我在不知不觉中睡着了,仿佛还在思考着那些问题。I have mentioned that I dropped asleep unawares and even seemed to be still reflecting on the same subjects.

而且通过理解您公司的弱点,您可以管理并消除潜在的威胁以免会陷入困局。And by understanding the weaknesses of your business, you can manage and eliminate threats that would otherwise catch you unawares.

这场让欧盟措手不及的危机把欧元区最大、最重要和最成功的经济体不可阻挡的力量暴露在了阳光下。A crisis that took the EU unawares has laid bare the overwhelming hegemony of its largest, most important and most successful economy.

期待藉由这些讨论,让学生在潜移默化中领悟到文学的真、善、美,进而提升自我的人文关怀。With these discussion, I expecting that students could unawares learn the literary real, virtue and beauty, raise selves human concern.

第三帝国的军事行动打的盟军措手不及,瞬间一座座城池践踏于纳粹的铁蹄之下。The Reich's military mobility caught the allied army unawares and in no time the city after city lie trampled under the Nazi's iron heels.

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马云这一即兴发言让业界措手不及,不过回顾他向来喜欢“放炮”的性格也就不为怪了。This one impromptu speech lets Ma Yun industry unawares , review his all along to like nevertheless " blowout " disposition also is blamed.

在这个给敌以错觉和给敌以不意以便战而胜之的战争方法上,也就一定能起大的作用。Moreover, it will definitely play a big part in carrying out our tactics of defeating the enemy by misleading him and catching him unawares.

谁知道摩特兰先生干得那么出色?还有他那许多朋友,原来都住在这儿的,谁知道呀?我们真是有眼无珠。Who would have thought of mr. mottram doing so well ? and so many of his friends, too, that used to stay here ? we were entertaining angels unawares.