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他几乎连头都没点一下。He barely nods.

我与他仅仅是点头之交。I barely know him.

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还过得去么Yeah, just barely?

我几乎不认得她了!I barely recognize her!

劳拉幸存下来了,但却体无完肤。Laura survived, but barely.

现在他几乎完全不跑了。Now, he barely runs at all.

他勉强能读写。He could barely read and write.

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我几乎连坐的时间都没有。I barely have time to sit down.

街上鬼影都没有。Barely a soul was in the street.

她还清醒,虽然勉勉强强。She was still conscious, barely.

阿布日达几乎没有时间来说话。Abu Rida barely has time to talk.

他好容易才通过了考试。He barely passed the examination.

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这种价格刚够抵上成本。The price barely covers the cost.

仅敢呼吸或打喷嚏。Barely daring to breathe or Achoo.

我几乎看不清我在写什么了。I can barely see what I'm writing.

吃到八分饱后绝不勉强再吃。Not eat after eight full barely eat.

那群新生,我才刚开始教他们呢!I’ve barely begun with the new group!

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这个价格连本儿都不够。This price can barely cover the cost.

每周,他们的脸上都显出畏惧的神情。Every week, their faces barely flinch.

匆匆忙忙,终于在规定的时间里,刚好勉勉强强完成。Hastily, I barely finished it on time.