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真是天大的喜讯!Great news!

好棒的一课。Great class.

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好了,太棒了Okay. Great.

好极了。That's great.

你做得很棒。You did great.

你看上去气色很好。You look great.

很高兴见到你.Great to see you.

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你打的非常好。You played great.

绝佳的柠檬味!Great Lemon Taste!

伟大的地图设计!Great set of maps.

他的劳动很伟大。His work is great.

它是一部杰出的电影。It's a great film.

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听起来真棒。That sounds great.

好棒的主意!What a great idea!

多么遗憾啊!What a great pity!

大白沙。Great white sharks.

他是个大笨蛋!He's a great booby!

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嗯,那是大的。Well, that's great.

你巨大的支气管!You great Bronchus!

你这个大笨牛!You great big fool!