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找到想要的port,比如是kermit。Find the port you want, say kermit.

她曾经穿着一袭由几十只柯密特蛙偶制成的长裙。She once wore a dress made of dozens of Kermit frogs.

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马伯特木偶戏中人物科梅特最近作了一次演讲,题为“九十年代像青蛙那样生活”。A recent address on Life as a Frog in the 1990s was delivered by the Muppet character Kermit.

对不起,我没有把你介绍给凯米特,我想当然地认为你们互相认识。Excuse me for not introducing you to Kermit. I took it for granted that you two knew each other.

在这张海报上,他与他最著名的布偶作品——最早出现于1955年的青蛙科密特一起出现。On this image he is posing together with Kermit his most famous Muppet creation, first introduced in 1955.

在二战中投下另一颗原子弹的投弹手科密特·比罕于1989年去世。The only other man who has dropped a nuclear bomb in war, Nagasaki bombardier Kermit Beahan, died in 1989.

就像生活一样,在NBA,有数以百万计的不公平发生在球员与球队中。There are a million unfair endings for NBA players and teams, just as there are in life. Kermit Washington.

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博士克米特戈斯内尔还被指控与一名女子谁遭受了止痛药过量而死亡的谋杀等待堕胎。Dr. Kermit Gosnell was also charged with murder in the death of a woman who suffered an overdose of painkillers while awaiting an abortion.

对法庭实际上垂死的那一天。另一方面,辛特华盛顿被禁赛60天,这迫使他错过了26场,最长交给一个NBA球员。On the other hand, Kermit Washington was suspended for 60 days which forced him to miss 26 games and was the longest suspension handed down to an NBA player at the time.

一旦他退休了,但在红字式时装、辛特被流放为19年以来,从NBA联盟里没有人想把他们的机构的名称。Once he retired, in Scarlet Letter type fashion, Kermit was exiled for 19 years from the NBA since no one in the NBA wanted to associate their organization's name with his.

有机食物很贵,回收资源很累人,很多人就得出一个相同结论,就如著名的哲学家大眼蛙Kermit唱的,“变绿不容易”。Organic foods can be expensive, recycling can be a pain, and many come to the same conclusion as famed philosopher Kermit The Frog, who once sang, “It’s not easy bein’ green.”

之后,PAGFL跳向我们说明了他所看到的,为什么他看到了阿泰斯特并联辛特华盛顿,以及对他意味着什么,这个湖人本赛季,阿泰斯特的任期作为一名湖人球员。After the jump, PAGFL explains to us what he sees in Artest, why he sees a parallel with Kermit Washington, and what that means to him for this Lakers' season, and for Artest's tenure as a Laker.