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宜宾七星山黑塔。Black Pagoda on Mt.

所以命名为栖灵塔。So we named it Qiling pagoda.

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这座塔向东倾斜。The pagoda tilts to the east.

这是石塔镇海池。Here is the Stone Pagoda Pool.

苏州人民路上的北寺塔。North Temple Pagoda in Suzhou.

天宁宝塔于2004年建成。Tianning pagoda was built in 2004.

原来大雁塔是他设计的。I didn't know he designed the pagoda.

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大牛你看,那就是文峰塔。Look, Daniel, that is Wenfeng Pagoda.

左舷方面看出一座白塔来了。We opened a white pagoda to the port.

王中之王是值得建佛塔的。A king of kings is worthy of a pagoda.

韩佳你看。就是这座华严宝塔。Look, Han Jia. It's the Huayan Pagoda.

没错。那就是文笔塔。Sure. That's the Writing Brush Pagoda.

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这就和大雁塔有关了呀。That's why the Dayan Pagoda was built.

大雁塔已成为西安的象征。The Dayan Pagoda is the symbol of Xi'an.

大雁塔隐隐在望。The Wild Goose Pagoda was dimly visible.

这台阶也是文峰塔的一个独特之处。It's another unique aspect of the pagoda.

那座古塔正在修缮中。The ancient pagoda is undergoing repairs.

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那座小山上耸立着一个古老的塔。There stands an ancient pagoda on that hill.

一座古塔阴森森地矗立在山腰上。An ancient pagoda frowns on the mountainside.

啊,居然能把整座塔染成红色!Oh, it could have dyed the entire pagoda red!