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他戴着手套的手笨拙地翻过了这一页。His gloved hand made a botch of turning over the page.

她把带着手套的小小的手放在她露在坎肩外的大腿上。One small gloved hand lay on her lap outside the shawl.

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她用带着手套的手在里面挖来挖去,找出来一个手机。With a gloved hand, she digs into these and finds a cell phone.

魔术师从戴著手套的手里变出一束束鲜花。The magician produced bunches of flowers out of his gloved hands.

他们的马车驰向环道桥,她用戴着考究的手套的手握着那钢质栏杆。They drove off towards the Loop Line bridge, her rich gloved hand on the steel grip.

埃弗里重新瞄准并用戴着手套的手指慢慢压紧扳机。Avery refocused and increased the pressure of his gloved finger on the Stanchion's trigger.

修辞班教师咳嗽了几声,清清嗓子,把两只戴着手套的手交叉在胸前,开始说话。The rhetor cleared his throat, folded his gloved hands across his chest, and began speaking.

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她将手术棉放在肝脏表面,然后用手轻轻挤压肝脏。Placing the lap pads on the liver's surface, she squeezed the organ between her gloved hands.

他们成排坐着,用戴着手套的手拿起炽热的玻璃,将它绕在一个圆筒上。They sit in rows, taking hot glass into their gloved hands and spinning it around a cylinder.

往带着手套的手上呵气好像也没有什么效果,冻僵的手冷得发痛。Blowing on gloved hands that seemed to have little effect on cold hands that ached with chill.

有那么一两秒钟,这两位女士都目不斜视地静静歌颂着这只戴发轫套的纤纤玉手。Both women lost themselves for a second or two given that they quietly praised the little gloved hand.

火车上配备有躺椅、电脑接口和耳机,提供可口的食物并可以观看电影,甚至连服务人员都带着白手套。AVE offers assigned reclining seats, computer outlets, movies, headsets, good food and even gloved attendants.

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马里奥试图用它胖胖的,任何时候都戴着手套的手保住自己的浓密的八字胡须,笑嘻嘻的出现在你的电视屏幕上。Mario tries his podgy, gloved hand at everything to keep his mustachioed mush grinning out from your TV screens.

火车上配备有躺椅、电脑接口和耳机,提供可口的食物并可以观看电影,甚至连服务人员都带着白手套。The train offers assigned reclining seats, computer outlets, movies, headsets, good food, even gloved attendants.

芮黎真把手拿出来,手掌上握着一个小小的血块。Rizzoli pulled her hand from the wound. In her gloved palm wascupped a tiny clot of blood, like a bright red bead.

挖掘者挖出一些土,把土卸在一起,然后用戴着手套的双手翻找人的遗。The diggers lift some dirt, and put it over there, and go through it with their gloved hands, looking for human remains.

接着,你可以用戴着手套的那只手来掌握沿途细节,手指掠过小路上的岔道和转弯处,掠过陡峭的上坡和下坡。Then, using a gloved hand, you master its details by running your fingers over its forks and bends, its sharp rises and falls.

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奥斯塔普扶她坐上马鞍,她的带着手套的手还留在他的手里,他禁不住热情地吻了吻。Ostap helped her into the saddle. Her gloved hand rested in his and he could not restrain himself from kissing it with fervour.

她举起戴着手套的小拳头,十分文雅地打了个哈欠,用戴了手套的小拳头轻轻碰了碰启开的嘴,甜甜地泛出一丝微笑。She raised her small gloved fist, yawned ever so gently, tiptapping her small gloved fist on her opening mouth and smiled tinily, sweetly.

英国研究发现,在食物生产过程中如果没有太多的细菌产生,戴手套和手上什么都不带的效果是一样的。Studies in the United Kingdom found that gloved hands can contribute as much if not more bacteria to food products compared to bare hands.