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答案很简单,我22岁,如修女一般的生活着,还是无性恋。The answer is simple. I'm 22, cloistered, and asexual.

对于有分裂性人格障碍的患者,他们是无性能力的。The patient with Schizoid Personality Disorder is asexual.

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很多无性人士当然期待爱情和孩子。A lot of asexual people do want relationships and children.

由游动孢子囊产生的无性可自由运动的孢子。Zoospore An asexual motile spore produced by a zoosporangium.

如果无性繁殖的蛤类严格的自我克隆的话,就不会出现这种情况。That wouldn't happen if the asexual species were strict cloners.

无籽西瓜是用无性生殖的方式培育出来的。The seedless water melons are developed via asexual reproduction.

三点金草地宜用无性繁殖方法建植。Asexual propagation is the proper method for Desmodium microphylum.

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营养体生殖的,无性生殖的属于或关于无性生殖,如裂。Of or relating to asexual reproduction, such as fission or budding.

故事揭示了婚姻无性生活背后的深刻人性。The story has exposed the deep human nature behind asexual marriage.

耍酷装帅的话人类就只得用无性生殖。Handsome then loaded only with human beings on the asexual reproduction.

刚竹属竹种开花枯败后,能通过有性或无性途径自然更新。Flowering bamboo groves can be renewed by sexual or asexual rejuvenation.

静孢子是由孢子囊产生的无性孢子,通常具有厚的细胞壁。It is an asexual spore formed in a sporangium and is usually thick walled.

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它们可以忍受热度,还进化出无性生殖的方法。They can take the heat, so to speak, and have evolved asexual reproduction.

然而,他的作者史蒂芬·海伦伯格在2002年描述这个角色是无性的生物。However, he was described as "asexual" by creator Stephen Hillenburg in 2002.

此外,无性繁殖体的产生常常与假根、原丝体有共存关系。In addition, the asexual diaspores often coexist with rhizoids or protonemata.

这是中国第一部深度探查无性婚姻的纪实作品。This is China"s first exploration depth of the documentary work marriage asexual."

你们将回顾,祭司的对于神的概念,是一个不朽且无性的存在。The Priestly conception of god, you will recall, is of an immortal and asexual being.

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细胞核移植对动物优良杂交种的无性繁殖具有重大意义。Nuclear transfer of animal hybrids fine of great significance to asexual reproduction.

无性繁殖只部分地存在于自然界,但“性”随处可见。Asexual reproduction does exist in patches of the natural world, but sex is everywhere.

由于无性生殖,这样的物种整体保留着非常低的遗传变异。Due to asexual reproduction, the species as a whole retains very low genetic variation.