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安曼现代化城区里的古罗马露天剧场。The ancient Roman ampthitheatre set in modern central Amman.

她生活在纽约,但我们通过她在安曼的移动电话联系到了她。She lives in New York but we reached her on her mobile phone in Amman.

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卜拉欣的次女玛希雅,现在和她三个幼小的孩子都在阿曼。Brahim's middle daughter, Mahia, is in Amman with her three young kids.

阿布穆萨,约旦煤炭商人在他店内与一名小朋友握手,安曼。Abu Mousa, a Jordanian coal merchant, shakes hands with a boy in his shop in Amman.

从喀布尔到安曼而后是兰勒,时间漫长到大理石建筑都似乎在基座上变形了。From Kabul to Amman to Langley, marble buildings seemed to shift on their foundations.

我告诉美国人,如果他们把我的家人送往安曼,他们就可以把我关进监狱。I told the Americans that if they took my family to Amman they could take me to prison.

安曼动物园主任说他希望这只两岁的虎能很快与这只狮子交配。The Amman Zoo director said he hoped the two-year-old tiger would mate with the lion soon.

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如果穆巴拉克下台,成千上万的民众会涌上安曼和萨那街头。If Mubarak goes, tens of thousands will pour into the streets of Amman and Sana and elsewhere.

Oran出生在阿曼首都以南Tafila省的一个贫穷的村庄。Oran was born into a poor village in the Tafila governorate, south of the capital city of Amman.

在约旦首都安曼的协助黎巴嫩募款音乐会上举烛的一名约旦人。Jordanian holds a candle during a fund-raising concert in support of Lebanon in Amman July 30, 2006.

去年八月,我在阿曼见到了卜拉欣,和他相聚三个星期。Back in August when I met Brahim in Amman for a three-week reunion, I begged him not to return to Iraq.

在3岁时她进入了安曼的一所护士学校,一直到1986年她的家庭回到英国。From the age of three she attended a nursery school in Amman until the family's return to the UK in 1986.

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第二次事发于学校团体经过防备森严的大使馆之时,当时他们坐在安曼的面包车中。The second occurred as the university party passed the heavily-fortified US embassy in Amman in a minibus.

以色列情报组织曾经在1997年试图在约旦首都安曼刺杀马沙尔。马沙尔现在住在大马士革。Israeli agents attempted to kill Meshaal, who is now based in Damascus, in 1997, in the Jordanian capital, Amman.

一名反对党支持者带著玩具娃娃,参加在约旦首都安曼举行的团结加萨大集会。An opposition party supporter holds up a baby toy, during a rally to show solidarity with Gaza, in Amman March 2, 2008.

在十二月初,一个mukhabarat的高级官员在电话中就此事和他位于安曼的CIA工作站的美国朋友进行了交谈。In early December, a senior Mukhabarat officer phoned an American friend at the Amman CIA station to chat about the case.

曼,在苹果电脑公司找到一份工作,1993年在一次晚宴上经人介绍认识了当时还是王子的阿卜杜拉。She moved to Amman in 1991, took a job with Apple Computer and was introduced to the then Prince Abdullah at a dinner in 1993.

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在1967年的六日战争中,它位于约旦河以西的领土被以色列军队占领。Its territory west of the Jordan River was occupied by Israeli forces in the Six-Day War of 1967. Amman is the capital and the largest city.

在伊斯兰斋月结束前,约旦首都安曼的妇女在市集为开斋节购买糖果。A woman buys sweets for the Eid al-Fitr in the downtown market area in Amman October 22, 2006, before the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.

由国防部和外交部官员组成的工作小组已经前往安曼,处理有关善后事宜。A working group composed of officials from the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has left for Amman to handle the aftermath.