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事实上结局是没有的。But there is no ending.

每段故事都有一个结局。Every story has an ending.

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爱情真的是海枯石烂的吗?Love is really never ending?

童话徳第二结局。The second fairy tale ending.

不要告诉我结局。NO10, Don't tell me the ending.

这出戏的煞尾很带劲。The play has a powerful ending.

并奓望我们的运气永远不会消逝。And hope our luck is never ending.

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亦无老死尽。Also no ending of old age and death.

第1部分结束看到你的第二部分。Ending of Part 1 see you in part II.

这是传统的大团圆结局。It is the conventional happy ending.

花男完结篇的最后一幕是在四年后。The ending scene is beyond the jump.

它还为您编写了行结束符。It also writes a line ending for you.

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这国王的权杖有一头是装了一把雨伞的。It is a sceptre ending in an umbrella.

永不完结的精彩故事。NewS --- Never Ending Wonderful Story.

你们有注意到前置词结尾吗?Did you catch the prepositional ending?

好的开始导致好的结尾。A good begining makes for a good ending.

让你们的故事有一个快乐的结局。Give your story together a happy ending.

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他们统治的时代正在走向绝对的结束。Their era of reign is ending absolutely.

但对于他来说那没有真正的快乐结局。But there's no real happy ending for him.

我还在期待一个童话般的美好结局。I'm still hoping for a fairy-tale ending.