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该少年违者被关进教养院改造。The juvenile delinquent was sent to the reformatory.

这样的文化中,本质上没有可改革的东西。There is in culture as such nothing of a reformatory nature.

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陈炽是中国近代著名的资产阶级改良主义思想家。Chenchi was a famous bourgeois reformatory thinker of modern China.

没想到在西安关卡被国民党扣留,关押在西安感化院。I did not expect to be detained by the KMT in Xi'an, held in Xi'an reformatory.

考试方法改革是教学改革的重要部分。The reformation of examination method is the substantial of the teaching reformatory.

在改革的大潮中做竞争的强者,提高自己的地位。In reformatory tide they should become the overmatch in competition to enhance their position.

牛嘴水库位于宝安区龙华深圳市第二劳教所附近。Cattle mouth Longhua Reservoir in Bao'an District of Shenzhen city near the second reformatory.

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在美国,许多少年因在校园开枪伤人百被逮捕并关进少年管教所。Many juveniles in the United States were arrested and held in reformatory for shooting on campus.

十年正值巴拉圭经济疲弱,感化院经费拮据、资源短缺。It was during the decade when the Paraguay economy was weak and the reformatory was out of budget.

王华告诉记者,2004年,他在劳教所时知道自己染上了艾滋病毒。Wang Hua Told reporters that in 2004, when he reformatory know that they contracted the HIV virus.

我们不怕美国佬的要挟,如果陈厮继续胡说八道,就送他去感化院。We don't fear the American threatening and will send Chen to the reformatory if he goes on twaddling.

黄遵宪是中国近代杰出的政治活动家、维新思想家、外交家和诗人。Huang Zunxian was a prominent political activist, reformatory thinker, diplomat and poet in modern China.

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符合实际的科学的改革方法对于一个国家改革的成功具有极为重要的意义。The scientific reformatory methods which correspond to reality is of great significance for the success of reform.

等到了青少年时代,她又被看成是“不可救药的”孩子,还一度被关进少年管教所劳教了两年。As an adolescent, she "earned" an additional label, "incorrigible" and was sentenced to two years in a reformatory.

符合实际的科学的改革方法对于一个国家改革的成功具有极为重要的意义。ABSTRACT The scientific reformatory methods which correspond to reality is of great significance for the success of reform.

喜鹊的哥哥刚从内布拉斯加州教养院出来,现在跟他的妻子就住在那儿,喜鹊也在。Magpie’s brother just got out of the Nebraska State Reformatory and he is staying there with his old lady, and that’s where Magpie is.

从政策、法律和社会环境、军事经济改革的需要和审计理论和实践等方面分析了军队开展绩效审计的可行性。This paper also explains the feasibilities in polices , laws , social environment and the need of reformatory of the military economy.

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对此,本文着重分析其内在原因,提出了改革的建议。For this reason, the present paper has placed emphasis on the analysis of its internal cause and set forward the reformatory suggestions.

该文主要就如何使国有企业摆脱目前困境等问题提出了改革的措施与建议。The Paper presents some reformatory measures and suggestions on how to make enterprises freethernselves from current predicaments hey words.

本文对信息技术和研究性学习整合的改革实验进行了实践总结和理论探讨。The thesis makes a summary about the practice and theory of the reformatory experiment, which is about the Integration of IT and Research Study.