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他以最优等成绩从哈佛大学毕业。He graduated summa cum laude from Harvard.

当你让其他人爽到极点的时候,每个人都会爱死你的。Everybody loves you when they are about to cum.

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哪怕是个有经验的登山者也会馅入困境。Even an experienced cum ber will get into trouble.

她在社区学院获得了一个学位。He earned his degree at Princeton summa cum laude.

这样你高潮的时候会有一种飞起来的感觉。This gives you the feeling of flying when you cum.

杰伊先生是美国天普大学的优等毕业生。Jay is a magna cum laude graduate of temple university.

她然后使自己暨与振子在她的阴蒂上。She then makes herself cum with a vibrator on her clit.

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在另一侧,请让我和得恩宠的人为伍On the other side, we've got "Voca--voca me cum benedictis."

我以优异成绩毕业自东北部一所小型的大学。I graduated cum laude from a small university in the northeast.

1984年南非大学授予约翰鲁斯优等生音乐硕士学位。In 1984 Unisa conferred the MMus degree on John Roos cum laude.

嘉宾参观本局杜伟中央图书馆暨教案资源中心。Guests visit the Vincent To Central Library cum Resource Centre.

贾尼斯·韦伯作为最优异的研究生毕业于伊斯曼音乐学校。Janice Weber is a summa cum laude graduate of the Eastman School of Music.

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1973年,他以优等成绩从近东语言与文明系毕业。In 1973, he graduated magna cum laude in Near Eastern Languages and Civilization.

村庄沿着一个小码头的两边延伸开来,码头的最前头有一家商店兼餐馆,是荣基和他的妻子艾达开的。At thehead of the pier is a shop cum restaurant belonging to Wing Gei and his wifeAida.

所以来吧沾上它,屁股放在嘴唇上,操,来嘴唇,放点在你咪咪上。So come on and dip, bum on your lips fuck that, cum on your lips and some on your tits.

所以来吧沾上它,屁股放在嘴唇上,操,来嘴唇,放点在你咪咪上。So come on and dip, bum on your lips luck that, cum on your lips and some on your tits.

还有一个手工艺品展暨公平的泰米尔纳德邦政府主办。There is also a handicrafts exhibition cum fair organized by the Government of Tamil Nadu.

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我爱对中风的人,要看着我玩我的大鸡鸡和喷我暨,酷吗?I love to stroke man, i want u to watch me play with my huge dick and squirt my cum , cool ?

梁继璋先生是香港一位名电台节目主持人,也是一位儿童心理学导师。Following is a letter to his son from a renown Hong Kong TV broadcaster cum Child Psychologist.

开始与西西里黑手党女生的报复,他们会暨后用自己的屁股!When you start a vendetta with the Sicilian Mafia Girlz they will cum after you with their asses!