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那个棒球投手和她有段短暂恋情。The moundsman has a transitory amour.

你听说他最近偷情的事了吗?。Have you heard about his latest amour?

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莫哥形象投票已结束。Vote for your favorite personified Amour image!

我们的步兵和装甲兵均比敌军少。We have less infantry and amour than the enemy.

如恶之花那样,恶魔占据我心灵,致命的爱情。Comme les fleurs du mal, dark demons of my soul, un amour fatal.

意海代萱恋情还能维持多久?How long can be amour of meaning sea acting Xuan still maintained?

在西部沙漠,人们没有装甲车和枪得保护是不行的。The Western Desert was no place for men without the protection of amour and guns.

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面对敌我两种关系,你是否也激荡过类似偷情的欢愉?Facing these two opponent dicks, are you also stirred by sort of pleasure as amour?

与此同时,马赛厄斯和露易丝的恋情也渐渐浮出水面。Meanwhile, the amour of Yi Si of Si Helou of Marseilles be stranded also rises to surface gradually.

没想到两人隐忍已久的恋情顿时爆发,立即闪电结婚。Did not think of two people bear long already amour to erupt immediately, instantly lightning marriage.

她与骆嘉断掉的恋情重新开始,但是各种诡异事件相继在她身边发生。She and Luo Jia's broken amour begins afresh, but all sorts of weird incident happen beside her in succession.

水瓶座对于希望得到不俗套恋情的你来说,还有哪个星座比水瓶座更适合呢?Water bottle get to the hope not of convention amour for you, which constellation still compares water bottle suit more?

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2010年语言学家们开展了一次投票,amour这个意为“爱情”的法语单词被选为世界上最浪漫的单词,因为它简单又甜蜜。In 2010, a poll of linguists rated amour –the French word for "love, " simple and sweet –the most romantic word in the world.

差不多半数的人都曾与工作伙伴有过风花雪夜的罗曼史,而更多的人则倾向于与公司同事发展恋情.Almost half of us have been romantically tied to someone from work, and many more would like to find amour in a neighboring cubicle.

少女武则天被唐太宗选为才人,太宗患病,武则天与太子李治产生恋情。Girl Wu Zetian is chosen to be ability person by Tang Taizong, too ancestor sicken, wu Zetian and prince plum treat generation amour.

当多哥,一个人口不到安大略省一半的国家获得了奖牌,而加拿大却一无斩获时,这使得我们的国家自尊受到一定的打击。When Togo—a country with a population less than half of Ontario—had medals and Canada didn't, it put a bit of a dent in our National amour propre.

刘胡兰牺牲时年仅15岁,但在她短暂的生活历程中,曾有过两次订婚的经历和一段真挚的恋情。When Liu Hulan sacrifices year only 15 years old, but in her brief life course, ever had had affianced experience and a paragraph of true amour twice.

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以琼海市国税大厦基坑锚杆支护为例,介绍一种解决这一问题行之有效的施工方法。The foundation pit amour rod support of Qionghai city Taxation Building is taken as an example to introduce an effective measure to solve this problem.

大学排名非常重要,因为大学排名的影响力不仅影响了政客和大学校长之间的关系,也同时影响了大学的运营状况。The rankings matter because of their impact not just on the amour propre of politicians and university presidents, but also on how universities are run.

对通交流的单芯电缆,要求采用非铠装或采用钢丝铠装,同时不允许敷设在磁性管道中。The single cable shall be without amour or with steel wire amour when it is electrified with alternating current and shall not be laid in magnetic ducts.