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我们希望海达成为客户的合作伙伴和第一选择。We hope that the Haida can become partners and customers first choice.

我们希望,海达电子成为技术领域内的先锋,也成为市场服务的先锋。We hope that the Haida Electronics is the pioneer in the field of technology, market services have become the vanguard.

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连同海达遗址在内,这个自然保护区是第一个从海底延伸到山顶的保护地区。Along with Haida Heritage Site, the reserve is the first protected area to extend from the seafloor to the mountaintops.

在阿拉斯加的拜特图腾国家公园中,那些很大的雪松图腾是被古代的特林基特部族及海达部族创造出来的。The large, cedar totems in Alaska's Totem Bight State Park were originally created by the ancient Tlingit and Haida tribes.

日前,一位商业潜水员在不列颠哥伦比亚省海达瓜依群岛的海岸附近发现了一个遗落的核炸弹。A commercial diver may have discovered a lost nuclear bomb off the coast of British Columbia near the Haida Gwaii archipelago.

北美洲的另外两个部落特林吉人和海达人的交换习俗也充分体现出类似性质。Other two clan Tlingit and Haida custom of intelligent, well-informed person of North America fully embody similar properties too.

在机械领域里,“海达”人凭籍对先进技术的不断研究和应用,使自身得到了飞速的发展。In the field of mechanism, "Haida" people have developed themselves rapidly depending on their continuous research on and application of advanced techniques.

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请问有人知道天津市河北区金钟河大街海达明园底商的那个京津票务中心的电话号码是多少嘛?Does anybody know, Tianjin, Hebei District, Admiralty Park, River Street, Haida Ming bottom merchandise to that of Beijing and Tianjin Ticket Center phone number incorrect?

上海海大律师事务所律师唐建历在医疗纠纷方面经验丰富,他说,进口药物的使用必须遵守健康部门的要求。"The use of imported drugs must comply with the requirements of health authorities," said Tang Jianli, a lawyer from Shanghai Haida Law Office, who is experienced in medical disputes.

另一方面,海大提供给我们大学生实习的平台,与我们“英才俱乐部”建立了合作关系,同时,高峰先生也担任了我们团队的荣誉顾问。On the other hand, Haida provide us a platform for student internships, setting up the partnerships with "Elite Club". In the meanwhile, Mr. Gao Feng is honor to play my team consultant.

海达橡塑集团-橡胶塑料制品研发制造的引领者,以卓越的前瞻性和技术革新能力引领橡塑制品研发制造的新潮流。Haida rubber and plastic group is the leading supplier in the rubber and plastic products industry, which leads the new trade in the industry with perfect forward looking and technical innovation.