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随后,我穿过下水管道,回了家。I walked home via the aqueduct.

渡槽支架采用空间梁单元进行模拟。The aqueduct braces are meshed into spatial beam element.

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分析了几种输水管系统的可靠性。The reliabilities of some kinds of aqueduct systems are analyzed.

该发明涉及一种输水管及其成型工艺。The invention relates to a kind of aqueduct and process of production.

在罗马,你能直接喝街道喷泉里的水,是从古渠道流过来的。In Rome, you can drink from a street fountain fed by an ancient aqueduct.

高架渠是人类文明发展的主要物证。The aqueduct is the material evidence of mankind civilization development.

当地农民反对政府,打开了闸门,炸毁了渡槽。Local farmers rebelled by opening sluice gates and dynamiting the aqueduct.

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当地农民反对政府,打开了闸门,炸毁了渡槽。Local farmers rebelled by opening sluice gates and dynamiting the aqueduct.

1594年人们在这里开挖一条地下渡槽,发现了古城的遗址。In 1594, an underground aqueduct was started here, and the ruins were discovered.

1842年,导水管一开通,居民们就开始由饮酒转而饮水。As soon as the aqueduct opened in 1842, residents began to switch from spirits to water.

加德桥是一个长达半英里的大型输水渠道,大约在两千年前建造而成。The Pont du Gard is a huge aqueduct half a mile long that was built nearly two thousand years ago.

开展对设置铅芯橡胶支座的大型渡槽非线性地震响应研究。The nonlinear earthquake response of large-scale aqueduct with the lead rubber bearing is studied.

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这些细小的泥石流沉积是在新开凿的加利福尼亚渠的大堤上形成的。These tiny debris-flow deposits formed on freshly excavated embankments of the California Aqueduct.

第五章根据计算结果设计一套具体的放水河渡槽温度裂缝预防措施。A set of specific water temperature crack prevention measures of the aqueduct is designed in chapter 5.

建立了考虑槽身和槽内水体流固耦合的渡槽薄壁结构梁段有限元动力分析模型。The seismic response analysis model of thin wall space aqueduct with fluid-structure coupling is established.

为了修筑包括中国最长渡槽的输水渠道,近5万人被搬迁安置。Nearly 50, 000 people were relocated to make way for the new channel, which includes China’s longest aqueduct.

他们上到耶路撒冷,就站在上池的水沟旁,在漂布地的大路上。They came up to Jerusalem and stopped at the aqueduct of the Upper Pool, on the road to the Washerman's Field.

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其他的原发性水脑症也有可能因为中脑导水管的阻滞导致脑脊液流动受阻。Other cases of congenital hydrocephalus involve a narrowed mesencephalic aqueduct with obstruction to CSF flow.

生长迅速,阻塞于第四脑室或者导水管下端可导致脑积水。Grow quickly, jam in the fourth brain room or aqueduct descend carry and can cause the brain accumulate the water.

渡槽是南水北调工程中跨越河流和道路等的架空输水建筑物。The aqueduct of the project is the overhead water transporting construction which strides across rivers and roads.