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因此头侧的骨化中心不会与C2椎体融合。Therefore, the cephalad ossification centers do not fuse with the C2 body.

在近头侧层面,可见斑片状实变和毛玻璃样影。At a more cephalad level, patchy consolidation and ground-glass opacity are visible.

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CT扫描以OML为基线向上扫描至颅底,向下扫描包括鼻咽及颈部。OML. as baseline of CT scan, include cephalad for skull base, and caudad for nasopharynx and cervical.

结果提示人为减少CSF容量有助于脊麻头向扩散。Theresults suggest that a higher cephalad spread of spinal anaesthesia is possible by reducing the CSF volume.

微重力或模拟微重力时体液头向转移,首先波及肺循环。Fluid is transferred cephalad in microgravity and simulated microgravity, and the pulmonary circulation is the first to be affected.

已经有研究证明退变发生于融合节段的上位节段和下位节段。There have been studies that have reported on degeneration occurring at the cephalad and caudad levels adjacent to the fused levels.

上颌骨额突由梨状孔和泪嵴向头侧方向伸出,与额骨和鼻骨相接。The maxillary processes extend in a cephalad direction form the piriform aperture to the lacrimal crest, uniting with the frontal and nasal bones.

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沿着鼻侧面向外侧脚头侧,引流至梨状孔和腮腺淋巴结。Drainage occurs dynamically along the lateral aspect of the nose, cephalad to the lateral crus, toward the piriform aperture and parotid lymph nodes.

所有患者均使用改良Judet入路,三角肌后部自肩胛嵴切下向头侧掀起直到肩胛骨外侧缘。A modified Judet approach was used in all patients. The posterior deltoid was incised off the scapular spine cephalad reaching the lateral scapular border.

因此,在一个节段经乳突置入椎弓根螺钉可引起支配相邻关节突关节头侧水平结构的后内侧支损伤。As a result, insertion of a pedicle screw through the mammillary process at one level can cause injury to the medial branch of the dorsal rami that supplies the adjacent cephalad level.

他们建议,如果术者希望将上位相邻节段的多裂肌束去神经化降至最低,应利用经皮技术在头侧节段置入椎弓根螺钉。They recommended that pedicle screw insertion at the cephalad level be performed percutaneously if one desires to minimize denervation of the multifidus complex at the cephalad adjacent level.