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不要书生气十足。Don't be so bookish and unrealistic.

但这是不切实际的期望。But this is an unrealistic expectation.

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他认为有500个频道是不现实的。He thinks it unrealistic to have 500 channels.

你对校园生活可别抱着什么不切实际的想法。Don't you form unrealistic picture of campus life.

我认为中国的电视剧很傻,也不现实。I think Chinese TV shows are stupid and unrealistic.

这部电影被不实际的牵强情节给毁了。The film is spoilt by unrealistic contrivances of plot.

至于中国的发展,我不会有不切实际的希望。As for China's development, I don't have unrealistic hopes.

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我必须支持不犯错误是不现实的。I must point out that it is unrealistic not to make mistakes.

希望每个人都同意所有的事情是不切实际的。It’s unrealistic to expect everyone to agree about everything.

当我重新考虑我的梦想的时候,仍然显得相当不现实。As I reconsidered my dream, it still seemed fairly unrealistic.

最精彩的梦想在多数人眼里总是不切实际的。The best dreams are always unrealistic to the majority of people.

这样的一个超大规模,独自的人类引导变得不切实际。At this super-large scale, solely human guide becomes unrealistic.

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期望更加迅速的进步可能不切实际。It would probably be unrealistic to expect much speedier progress.

我们也必须避免那些可能导致失望的不现实的期盼。And we have to avoid unrealistic expectations that can be disappointed.

我还不至于不切实际到去以为我们可以生活在一个毫无浪费的世界里。I'm not that unrealistic that I think we can live in a waste-free world.

要说每个想变贫困为富庶的人都将会成功,这是不现实的。It is unrealistic that everyone can succeed in turning poverty to wealth.

我们许多人对于荒岛生活都抱着一种不切实际的想法。Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on a desret island.

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有人说她那些当明星的计划完全是不切实际的梦想。Someone says that her those plans of being a star is exactly unrealistic.

郭台铭觉得这是过誉之词并且不切实际,“这只是一个笑话,我没有说我会有多伟大,我只是努力聪明地工作罢了”。Gou finds the punch line flattering, and unrealistic. "This is just a joke.

不过,它的不切实际的生活像一个隐士之间的山山水水。However, it's unrealistic to live like a hermit among rivers and mountains.