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图2演示了第一个方面。Figure 2 shows the first aspect.

第一个是一个抽象的方面。The first is an abstract aspect.

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那间房子朝南。The house has a southern aspect.

在自己的世界里纵横跋扈。Aspect in their own world, bossy.

各个方面都要考虑到。Every aspect should be considered.

投影的宽高比。The aspect ratio of the projection.

那座建筑是朝南的。The building has a southern aspect.

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每一种都有自己的意识形态。Each aspect of them has an ideology.

还有这次旅行的财政方面?And the financial aspect of the trip?

他在各方面都有起色。He has made progress in every aspect.

它触动了我们生活的方方面面。It touches every aspect of our lives.

第三是国际方面。Third, take the international aspect.

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我们希望去理解每一个方面。We wanted to understand every aspect.

这只是RIA平台的一个方面。This is one aspect of an RIA platform.

有一个方面他没有提到。There is one aspect he doesn’t mention.

这对小说的每一个方面都是适应的。Apply this to every aspect of the story.

它用一种报仇雪恨的神情望着你。It looked at you with a vengeful aspect.

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我喜欢有创造性的那一面。I love being, I love the creative aspect.

这台阶也是文峰塔的一个独特之处。It's another unique aspect of the pagoda.

你是说这里有更黑暗的一面?You mean there's a shadier aspect to this?