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“负鼠,”莫丝说。"Possum, " Moth said.

莫丝有了一只新负鼠。Moth had a new possum.

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这是蜂鸟科的天蛾。This is a humming-bird moth.

但是拇指姑娘讨厌蛾。But Thumbelina hates the moth.

雌蛾色较淡。The female moth lighter color.

飞蛾不会离火而去。The moth can't fly from a fire.

就像飞蛾迷恋着光。Like a moth obsessed with light.

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这有如飞蛾向往星天。The desire of the moth for star.

大豆害虫,螟蛾科。Soybean pests, pest moth division.

这是灯蛾对星光的向往。The desire of the moth for the star.

莫丝有风度地接受了胜利。Moth accepted the victory graciously.

有时含羞,飞蛾般易受惊吓。Sometimes shy and skitterish as a moth.

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雌蛾平均每头产卵2623粒。On average, a femal moth lays 2623 eggs.

这块布被蠹虫蛀坏了。This piece of cloth was eaten by a moth.

一只迟栖的飞蛾,拼命扑向烈火。A late moth blustered in to find the fire.

这个传送带把这个。In relay number 70, a moth had been trapped.

蛀虫豆受虫侵害的咖啡豆。Moth bean coffee by the infringement insects.

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这些卵是淡绿色月形天蚕蛾的。These eggs belong to the pale green luna moth.

蜘蛛也袭击令人害怕的舞毒蛾。Spiders also attack the much-feared gypsy moth.

因此,为了打发时间,他开始了收集蛾子的工作。So he passed the time building a moth collection.