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宗教融合也非常重要。Syncretism was very important.

另一点是宗教融合。The other thing you have is religious syncretism.

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中国的宗教具有融合的特征。The Chinese religions were characterized by syncretism.

他更多地是从本体论的意义上强调心理合一。What is more, he emphasized the syncretism from the ontological sense.

印度文化以高度的融合性和多元性而著称。India's culture is marked by a high degree of syncretism and pluralism.

这一部分主要形而上角度解决身心合一的可能性问题。This is mostly about the possibility of the syncretism of body and mind.

就连天主教圣人也预言到了这种信仰融合。The use of Catholic saints also bespeaks a syncretism of beliefs, he notes.

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欧洲一体化是一个经济、政治和文化不断融合的过程。The European integration means the syncretism of economy, politics and cultures.

欧洲一体化是一个经济、政治和文化不断融合的过程。The European integration means the syncretism of diversified economy, politics and cultures.

从法理上分析,民商合一是历史发展的趋势。From the analysis of jurisprudence, the syncretism of civil commercial law is a historical trend.

外部条件与内在动力的相互作用,形成了葛洪矛盾又统一的儒道兼综思想。The syncretism of Confucianism and Taoism by him is formed with external and inherent conditions.

然而,直到基督教的兴起,诺斯替思想在那里的融汇才得以完全的表达出来。It was only with the rise of Christianity, however, that Gnostic syncretism came to full expression.

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我的雕塑品展现的是通俗的非洲古巴宗教中,彰葛神和圣芭芭拉的融合感。My sculpture illustrates the syncretism of Chang o and Santa Barbara in the popular Afro-Cuban Santeria religion.

中国哲学中的“自强不息”、“厚德载物”、“天人合一”思想,可看作中华民族精神的概括。The ideas of self-struggle, noble and generous mind and syncretism of heaven and man have embodied the national ethos of China.

转换的精神内核是生生不息的传统文化价值,媒体是其实现转换和综合创新的重要工具。The syncretism of traditional culture and media value are historical and principal, the spirit core of which is the traditional value life.

因此,从“道”的变化视角研究三教融合,在三教关系史上具有深刻意义。Thus, studying the syncretism from the evolvement of "Tao" is of great importance in the history of the relationship of the three religions.

互相借鉴,互相糅合,各种文化互相借鉴,因此宗教融合非常重要。religions borrowed from each other, religions were mixtures of things, and cultures borrowed from each other, so syncretism was very important.

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因此,我们今天在全球文化交汇融合的时代背景下重新审视陆九渊与佛学的关系就显得尤为重要。Therefore, we restudy the relation of Lujiuyuan with Buddhism seem to be particular importance at the background of world culture syncretism today.

牟宗三着力于传统儒学的专研,谋求儒家哲学与康德哲学的融通,并力图重建儒家的“道德的形上学”。Mu Zongsan focused his efforts in the study of traditional Confucianism aiming at its syncretism with Kant to reshape a Confucian "Moral Metaphysics".

明中后期活跃的三教合一思想,为三教堂的发展增添了许多活力,使三教堂的供奉群体更趋多样。The late Ming's active syncretism added much energy to the Three Teachings Temple, so that the Three Teachings Temple dedicated to more diverse groups.