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再见,宝贝。Ciao, baby.

是啊,宝贝。Yeah, baby.

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一个死婴?A dead baby?

宝贝儿,做你自己。Do you, baby.

他就是一个婴儿。He was a baby.

那火焰,宝贝。The Fire, baby.

婴儿睡着觉。The baby slept.

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我爱你,宝贝儿。I love you baby.

你是我的宝贝。You are my baby.

她的小长颈鹿!Her baby giraffe!

宝贝,让我们大放光芒吧!Baby let us shine.

有着婴儿肥。With the baby fat.

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老板的心肝宝贝。My boss' cute baby.

塞韦林头婴儿。Severin heads baby.

她有一辆微型汽车。She has a baby car.

胎儿还会撒尿。The baby also pees.

所以亲爱的你说什么!So baby whatcha say!

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如果没有你,宝贝?。If it aint you baby ?

你咳嗽那么厉害,真得治一治了!The baby has a cough.

婴儿正在生牙。The baby is teething.