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宁河谷铁路。Nene Valley Railway.

我去了欢乐谷。I went to Happy Valley.

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你的山谷是什么颜色?How grue is your valley?

欢迎来到硅谷。Welcome to Silicon Valley.

我们的村庄在谷里。Our village is in a valley.

堕落到死荫的幽谷。Fell to the valley of death.

到诅咒之谷去!To the valley of the damned!

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我们参观了冰雨峡谷。We visited to Bingyu Valley.

死亡谷是一个巨大的地方。Death Valley is a huge place.

他唱歌时,山谷发出回声。The valley echoed as he sang.

那个村庄位于一个山谷。The village lies in a valley.

台伯河上游河谷地区。The upper valley of the tiber.

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唱歌时,山谷发出回声。The valley echoed as she sang.

谷局长大惊。Valley Bureau grew frightened.

卢瓦尔河谷的舍农索城堡Chenonceau Castle, Loire Valley

高峰围绕着山峪。High hills surround the valley.

和平谷的村民们。Citizens of the Valley of Peace.

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图为阳光谷。Photo shows the Sunshine Valley.

春雷震动山谷。Spring thunder shook the valley.

欢迎来到北京欢乐谷!Welcome to Happy Valley Beijing!