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孔子睡觉不像死尸那样僵直,家居不像做客那样端坐。He would not sleep like a corpse, nor stt like a guest.

这些神经细胞是束状脊髓神经的一部分,称为脊髓丘脑系统,或STT。These neurons are part of a bundle of spinal neurons called the spinothalamic tract, or STT.

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STT神经细胞都对疼痛信号有反应,也包括对痒有反应的那些,吉斯勒说。All STT neurons, including those that respond to itch, also respond to pain signals, Giesler says.

他们在动物的小腿上注射了产生瘙痒感的组胺,然后STT神经就被激发了。They injected histamine into the monkeys' lower legs to produce an itch, and the STT neurons fired up.

研究者之后在腿上注入一个能产生痛觉的化学物质,它也可以激发STT神经元。The researchers then injected a pain-producing chemical into the monkeys' legs, which also spurred the firing of STT neurons.

基于变结构自适应控制理论,提出一种新的STT导弹自动驾驶仪三通道独立设计方法。A tracking control technique is applied to autopilot des ign of a tail-controlled STT missile system with coupling among channels.

这表明,STT神经在存在瘙痒的时候对于挠痒的反应是不一样的。That demonstrates that STT nerves react differently to the sensation of a scratch when it happens in response to an existing itch.

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这表明,STT神经在存在瘙痒的时候对于挠痒的反应是不一样的。That demonstrates that STT nerves react differently to the sensation of a scratch, when it happens in response to an existing itch.

以灵长类动物为实验对象,吉斯勒和他的同事们把组胺作用于其脚上的皮肤,研究STT中被激活的神经细胞。Working with primates, Giesler and his colleagues studied neurons in the STT that fired after histamine was applied to the skin of a foot.

分析结果表明,传统的后缘调制、前缘调制以及STT调制都是ATT调制的特殊情况。It is pointed out that conventional trailing-edge modulation, leading-edge modulation and STT modulation are special cases of ATT modulation.

结论本研究为探讨局限性腕骨融合术新型内固定方式提供了重要的解剖学数据。Conclusion The study provided anatomic criteria of STT joint which would be useful information for new approaches of limited intercarpal arthrodesis.

当研究小组在没有人工制造瘙痒感的时候给它的腿挠痒,STT神经元也激发了,但只是普通的激发而且挠痒也无法使其镇定下来。When the team scratched the leg without first creating an artificial itch, the STT neurons fired — the normal STT-neuron response — but scratching did nothing to calm them.

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芬兰新闻社STT报道,这是自1989年以来芬兰发生的首次学校枪击案,当时在劳马港一名14岁的学生枪杀了两名同学。It was the first school shooting in Finlandsince 1989, when a 14-year-old student shot and killed two others in thecoastal town of Rauma, the Finnish news agency STT reported.

当研究小组在没有人工制造瘙痒感的时候给它的腿挠痒,STT神经元也激发了,但只是普通的激发而且挠痒也无法使其镇定下来。When the team scratched the leg without first creating the artificial itch, the STT neurons fired — the normal STT-neuron response — but the scratching did nothing to calm them.

仿真结果和实验结果均表明,基于ATT调制的数字V2控制算法具有比基于STT调制的数字V2控制算法更好的稳定性。Simulation and experimental results show that the control performance of digital V2 controlled buck converter with ATT modulation is better than that of the one with STT modulation.

结论生长抑素可显著地降低应激性血糖浓度、胰岛素用量和补钾量,但停药后血糖有反跳现象。Conclusion STT could be employed to treat stress hyperglycemia and reduce the requirement of insulin and potassium chloride, but blood sugar concentration rebounded slightly after STT ceased.

Giesler提出一种理论认为,瘙痒感在STT神经元里面产生一种兴奋的状态,而搔痒可以抑制这种状态--好像是我们的手指给脊髓神经元发指令让它们冷静下来。Giesler theorizes that the itch sensation creates an excited state in the STT neurons that scratching inhibits — as if our fingernails were sending a message to spinal-cord neurons to cool off.

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方法取30具尸体腕关节标本,测量STT关节中心至舟骨桡腕背侧韧带附着处的最短距离及STT关节深度。Methods The shortest interval between the center of STT joint to the attachment of radial carpal dorsal ligament on the scaphoid and the depth of STT joint were measured from 30 cadaver wrists.