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海伦是芬兰人,。Helen is Finnish.

他们能讲芬兰语。They can speak Finnish.

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不,我不能说芬兰语。No, I don't speak Finnish.

他们能讲芬兰语。他也能。They can speak Finnish. So can he.

我在火车上碰到一些芬兰人。I met some Finnish people on the train.

比方,我真的学会了芬兰语。For example, I actually learned Finnish.

更新CM7与芬兰支持键盘。Updated CM7 keyboard with Finnish support.

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是的,我只能说一点点芬兰语。Yes, I speak only a little bit of Finnish.

我喜欢祖卡列特。这是一个芬兰曲棍球球队。I like Jokerit. It's a Finnish hockey team.

芬兰波美拉尼亚丝毛狗的样子很象狐狸。The Finnish Spitz presents a fox-like picture.

毫无悬念,是芬兰的移动手机制造商诺基亚。The Finnish mobile phone manufacturer Nokia Oyj.

邪恶是芬兰前卫的厄运金属乐队。Unholy was a finnish avantgarde doom metal band.

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我住在奥齐戈县,但是我有芬兰的血统。I live in Otsego County but I'm of Finnish descent.

芬兰政府和EADS公司都持有该公司的股票。The Finnish State and EADS are Patria 's shareholders.

赫兹是全球最大,最老的汽车租赁公司。Scandia Rent is the largest Finnish car rental network.

这家芬兰公司将提供其基于W-CDMA的3G解决方案。The Finnish company will supply its W-CDMA 3G solution.

他们队有一个很有名的芬兰球员。And they have a very famous Finnish player on that team.

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圣诞夜芬兰的墓地呈现出一幅激动人心的景象。A Finnish graveyard is a breath-taking sight on Christmas Eve.

最崇尚和平的则要数德国、美国和芬兰的孩子了。The most peace-loving are German, American and Finnish children.

芬兰夏季的气温不低,通常会在15℃至35℃。Finnish summer temperatures are not low, usually at 15 ℃ to 35 ℃.