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2011年财政预算,束手束脚。Budget 2011, No wriggle room.

我开始在椅子上扭来扭去。I started to wriggle on my chair.

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蠕动就是像虫子一样扭来扭去。To wriggle is to wrest about like a worm.

他感觉她的肩膀扭动了一下,以示反对。He felt her shoulders give a wriggle of dissent.

他是如何摆脱尴尬处境的?How did he wriggle out of the awkward situation?

斯里兰卡政府害怕停火协议会纵虎归山。A ceasefire, it fears, would allow him to wriggle free.

她支吾其词制止回答一切题目。She managed to wriggle out of answering all the questions.

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她支吾其词避免回答一切问题。She manages to wriggle out of answering all the questions.

他试着用钱巴结那个人,可是失败了。He tried to wriggle round the man with money,but he failed.

他那根蛇状拐杖看上去似乎在扭动以示赞同。His snakelike staff actually seemed to wriggle in sympathy.

你可以打马虎眼,但是有的话的确值得一听。You can wriggle around all you like, but you will have to listen.

我们摇扭捏晃,逛逛停停,却怎么也到不了终点。We shook the wriggle sway, hit off, but how also to its destination.

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一定是这台机器出了毛病,对此你不能推卸责任。There must be something wrong with this machine,you can't wriggle out of it.

我常常一整个上午都憋在座位上扭来扭去,就是不举手。I often sit in the seat all the morning and wriggle about with ma hands down.

它们在人体内蠕动,附着在器官或组织表面,钻洞取径。They wriggle around, they latch on to surfaces, they drill their way through.

这些幼虫在水中不停地蠕动,十分活跃,它们通常被称为蠕虫。These larvae wriggle through the water so actively that they are usually called wrigglers.

这个时候,他会把自己的腿稍微挪一点点,缓解一下那疼痛的感觉。Then he would wriggle his legs slightly, one at a time, trying toease the feeling back into them.

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面对主教的质询,派金顿使出诙谐机智的本领摆脱了窘境。Faced with protests from the bishop, Packington used his wits to wriggle out of an awkward interrogation.

说明土壤发生风蚀时耕翻地与莜麦留茬地的土壤颗粒主要以蠕动和跃迁方式运动。It explains that the soil grain is wriggle and transition in plough land and stubble land of naked oats' wind erosion.

它会剌激虫子的皮肤,让它们爬到土壤表面逃走,造成的隧道可以留住额外的水分。This irritates worms' skin, causing them to wriggle to the top to escape it, leaving tunnels that retain excess water.