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我现在正付出代价,真是现世报!I'm paying for it!

我讨厌付账单。I hate paying bills.

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他坚持要付钱。He insisted on paying.

通过“首先支付自己”。By paying herself first.

我并不介意多交些税。I don't mind paying more.

没人喜欢缴税。No-one enjoys paying tax.

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我坚持要付午餐费。I insist on paying for lunch.

他们付我钱买了什么?What were they paying me for?

但是,没有人喜欢过多的税负。But no one likes paying taxes.

口头说三昧。Paying lip service to samadhi.

是否分开付帐。Will you be paying separately?

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你是否付清上学时的债务?Are you paying off school loans?

请问您用现金还是信用卡支付吗?Are you paying by cash or credit?

他那番话不过是表面文章。He was merely paying lip service.

她被准许免交税金。She was exempted from paying tax.

他们想不付钱白要。They wanted to get out of paying.

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这次旅行的成果似乎硕果累累。The travel seems to be paying off.

你付现金,你可以攒好多钱。You can save a lot by paying cash.

我被骗得多花了钱。I was shafted into paying too much.