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无限是多少?What is infinity?

这是无穷的原因。That's why the infinity.

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所以,它在无穷远处几乎为。So it tails off to infinity.

无穷保险清障车。" Infinity Insurance "smashed.

无穷远处是某一处。So infinity is somewhere there.

长长的队伍伸出老长老长。A long line stretched out to infinity.

把无限放在你的手掌上。Hold infinity in the paim of your hand.

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把握在你手里的就是无限…Hold infinity in the plam of your hand.

这是第N个能级,能量为。This is E equals zero. N equals infinity.

它是无穷大的,我们叫它3,2,1吧。This is infinity. Let's call this 3, 2, 1.

当n为无限大时,r也为无限大。When n equals infinity, r equals infinity.

最终我们让n等于无限大。And finally up here we have n equals infinity.

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有个无限的空间远在天外,正等著我们去发现。An infinity lies out there, waiting to be seen.

芝诺悖论与无限概念密切相关。Epistemologically, infinity would produce paradox.

照明源被认为是无穷远。The illumination source is considered at infinity.

这样你就能得到潜在的无限数量的句子And here you get a potential infinity of sentences.

说到这儿,无穷大的逻辑变得诡异起来。This is where the logic of infinity gets very weird.

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芦花一片白凄凄,露水一片仍潮湿。White infinity of reed plumes. White dew still, moist.

多角形的边界可以延伸到无穷远处。E. g. Boundaries of the polygon may extend to infinity.

负无穷小于包括其自身在内的任何数。Negative Infinity is less than everything including itself.