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她举止极为轻浮。She was incredibly flirtatious.

那一地的赤红,如血,美丽,妖艳。That a red, like blood, beautiful, flirtatious.

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她的轻浮举止是想引人注意。Her flirtatious manners are intended to attract.

露西移开视线,调情式地歪了下头。Lucy looked away, a flirtatious move of her head.

叮儿现在有了一帮子媚惑的小仙女伙伴跟随着。Tink has since gathered an entourage of fellow flirtatious fairies.

梅树越长越茂盛,花朵越开越娇媚。The longer the lush plum flowers, the more open the more flirtatious.

没有魔鬼般妖艳的身材,却有魔鬼般疯狂的激情。The build no momentum pretty and flirtatious , but goes crazy passion.

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“顺便说一句,我叫Michael,”他带着几丝轻浮地对医生说。“I’m Michael, by the way, ” he says to her in a mildly flirtatious tone.

西户,是王妩媚,妖冶非常,粉厚香浓。The west door, is king charming, flirtatious very, thick fragrant powder.

你有没有发现她在跟每个人打情骂俏?我从来没遇到过这么爱勾引人的人。e.g Have you noticed taht she hits n everyone? I've never met someone so flirtatious.

作为恋人,双子座的非常妖艳的身体,他们喜欢触摸和亲吻。As lovers, Gemini's are very flirtatious and physical, they like touching and kissing.

如果你一直举止轻浮,不关心爱侣的需求,则其可能会很生气。Your lover may be annoyed if you have been flirtatious or not attentive to their needs.

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我非常不喜欢大红大绿,总觉得那是一种俗气的妖艳。I do not like the bright red green, and always felt it was kind of tacky to flirtatious.

Sara却以一种调情的口气开玩笑,“唔,你应该看看我的公寓。”The joking takes on a flirtatious tone as Sara notes, “Well, you should see my apartment.”

但想象调情的受访者中,男性和女性的答案出现明显差异。But there were differences among men and women who had entertained the flirtatious fantasy.

修女年轻时的故事为我们描绘了一名社交广泛、举止轻浮的年轻女性肖像。The stories of her youth create a portrait of a highly sociable and flirtatious young woman.

也许我们此刻正遥望同一片夜空,看烟花绽放妖艳的色彩。Perhaps we are overlooking the moment with a night sky, watching fireworks flirtatious color.

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不久我就有意把他的拳师裤和我的外裤混在一起,好引起一些遐想。Soon I started mixing in my panties with his boxers, which led to some flirtatious folding sessions.

从此,我对世间百花的妖艳之美,开始有一个重新的定位与思考!Since then, I'm the world's flirtatious beauty of flowers, began to have a re-orientation and thinking!

有谣言说迪斯尼曾有一位类似巴黎圣母院中的艾丝美拉达的轻浮女子。Rumor has it that Disneyland had an Esmeralda from The Hunchback of Notre Dame who was very flirtatious.