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不,我感到虚幻。No, I feel unreal.

整个场面就像手势字谜游戏那样矫饰做作。the whole scene was as unreal as a charade.

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春天必然有花有木。Spring without flowers and plants is unreal.

现实,抹杀了太多如真似幻的意象。Reality, kill too much like real unreal image.

借着想像力,我们可以创造一个虚幻不实的世界。By the power of fancy, we may create an unreal world.

这一对的关系是有可能性的,但婚姻基本不现实。The connection is possible. The marriage is almost unreal.

虚幻引擎4利用基于实物的阴影模型。Unreal Engine 4 utilizes a physically-based shading model.

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坎托纳今天是他妈的吸尘器,伙计。难以置信。Cantona's a fucking vacuum cleaner today, man. It's unreal.

初识编辑器基础,并运行编辑器。Getting up and running with the basics of the Unreal Editor.

这意味着那些树和山是魔法是不真实的。It means that those trees and mountains are magic and unreal.

我写的是「大约」啊,只是一个参考,知道自己去到那个水平罢了。I play MOZ in the old days just for fun, levels are unreal things.

视窗是你欣赏你所创建的虚幻世界的窗口。The Viewports are your window into the worlds you create in Unreal.

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这是一年的射手,和半条命和虚幻的介绍。It's the year of the shooter, and Half-Life and Unreal are introduced.

现在,说不定还有将来,移幻帝国由我说了算!Now even future the whole removing unreal empire will have me control!

批评者所谓的六种“抄袭”方法,是不合实际的。The two critics'six so-called "plagiarisms" are unreal and unexistent.

那些树和山是魔法是不真实的这意味着什么?What does it mean that those trees and mountains are magic and unreal?

兵不厌诈,他袭击了虚弱的灵千幻。All is fair in war, he attacked the spirit of the weak thousand unreal.

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米卡·利德贝格,另一位疯狂而多产的插图家,他有一些虚幻作品。Micah Lidberg, another crazy prolific illustrator with some unreal work.

在世界上许多地方,孩子们害怕的是那些未知的、不真实的东西。In many places in the world children are afraid of the unknown, of the unreal.

韦丹塔界定真正作为常任理事国和虚幻是暂时的。Vedanta defines the real as being permanent and the unreal as being temporary.