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谁是世界最老的奥林匹克金牌得主?。Who is the world's oldest Olympic gold medallist?

今年的获奖者是执教于哈弗大学的苏珊?This year's medallist is Susan Athey, of Harvard University.

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这个是金箔匠的金制的奖章获得者有一块金色的金子。This gold medallist who is a goldbeater has a piece of golden gold.

他们现在似乎把奥运冠军当作是他们运动队的精神领袖。They may now seemly regard Olympic gold medallist as the of their team.

杨霞一位举重运动的金牌得主,来自土家少数民族的村庄。Yang Xia,a gold medallist in weight lifting,came from a Tujia minority village.

杨霞一位举重运动的金牌得主,来自土家少数民族的村庄。Yang Xia, a gold medallist in weight lifting, came from a Tujia minority village.

我的朋友杨凌是两次奥运会射击冠军。Together with me is my friend Yang Ling who is a 2 time gold medallist in shooting.

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前世界标枪冠军科斯塔·盖茨欧迪斯将承担今年奥运火炬接力的第一棒。Former world champion javelin medallist Costas Gatsioudis will be the first runner with the torch.

四次金牌得主为BBC第五电台评估了中国为2008奥运所做的准备。The four-times gold medallist assessed China's preparations for the 2008 Olympic Games for BBC Radio Five Live.

在有望获得这一悬赏的人选中,一个频频出现的名字是剑桥大学教授、菲尔茨数学奖得主艾伦-贝克尔。One name that crops up repeatedly is that of Alan Baker , a Cambridge University professor and Fields medallist.

下一个比赛项目是110米跨栏决赛,在第四跑道的是世界锦标赛铜牌获得者,中国的刘翔。Next up, the 110m hurdles final, and in lane four is the world championship bronze medallist , Liu Xiang of China.

安妮和梅尔是继奥运金牌得主詹姆斯克拉克内尔和电视节目主持人帕勒本福格尔的脚步。Annie and Mel are following the footsteps of Olympic gold medallist James Cracknell and TV presenter pal Ben Fogle.

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现在这位退休的前多项冠军获得者有时间同家人一起探索这座城市了。Now retired from Paralympic competition, the multi-gold medallist has had time to explore the city with her family.

在雅典,刘翔成为中国第一位男子田径奥运金牌获得者。In Athens, Liu Xiang became China’s first men’s Olympic gold medallist in track and field, the glamour sport of the Games.

作为1996年亚特兰大奥运会的800米银牌得主,瑟彭现在非常希望能够在雅典获得一枚800米比赛的金牌。A silver medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996, Hezekiel Sepeng is keen to clinch an 800 metres gold medal in Athens.

但我并不为此感到惊讶。杨说,这位2000年奥运会以及2003年世锦赛上的个人全能银牌得主。I wouldn't say I'm surprised though, said Yang, the all-around silver medallist at the 2000 Olympics and 2003 world championships.

曾经获得过三次澳大利亚年度最佳教练奖的伍德正是昨天铜牌获得者斯基佩尔的教练。A thrice Australian coach-of-the-year award winner, Wood's vast list of pupils also included yesterday's bronze medallist Schipper.

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高挑,有着精致的脸庞,卢西亚娜获得悉尼奥运会银牌和雅典奥运会铜牌。Tall, graceful with those exquisite cheekbones, Luciana was a silver medallist at the Sydney Olympics and a bronze winner at Athens.

肯尼亚的卫冕冠军丽达·杰普图位于第四,而妇女喜欢的美国奥林匹克古铜色奖章获得者邓娜·卡斯特,以第五名跑完了全程。Defending champion Rita Jeptoo of Kenya came fourth, while U. S. Olympic bronze medallist Deena Kastor, the women's favourite, finished fifth.

2005年,奥运会跳水冠军田亮因频繁参加商业活动而被国家队除名。Olympic diving gold medallist Tian Liang was kicked off the national team in 2005 for taking part in a rash of tele vision ads and endorsements.