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这似乎就是规模庞大的结果,公司运转机制再灵活也不可避免。This seems an inevitable consequence of bigness.

大公司是一直以来都是美国之所以强大的理由。Bigness has always been a powerful American theme.

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承认自己的伟大,就是认同自己的愚疑。To admit yourself bigness means accepting your stupidity.

我想他衡量出来的,主要就是大型化的成本。I think what he was measuring was mostly the cost of bigness.

财富是“重大”的负担,幸福是“生存”的圆满。Wealth is the burden of bigness , Welfare the fulness of being.

“此役之重对双方上半场都有很大影响,”里弗斯教练说。"The bigness of this game affected both teams in the first half, " Celtics coach Doc Rivers said.

夜夜气势宏博的涛声,让我知道怎样是伟大,怎样看待伟大。Get up on his hind legs beacher every night, I know waht's the bigness, how to look on the bigness.

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所谓大与小,强与弱,很多时候都是依照人们的感官和习惯定论的。The so-called bigness and smallness, strength and weakness often depend on people's sense and habits.

力求向她证明,看来很小的人,在他身上或许有相当大的东西。It served to prove that he who was small to look at might yet have a considerable amount of bigness about him.

我在山谷里走着,发现这里散遍着宝石,有一些大的惊人。As I walked through this valley, I perceived it was strewed with diamonds, some of which were of surprising bigness.

“桥上桥”是大件运输中通过中小跨径桥梁的一种方法。Appling temporary steel bridge is a method of passing bridge which span is not bigness in heavy-cargo transportation.

在那个“拜大主义”风行的年代,英国汽车公司雇用伊斯哥尼斯设计一款经济型汽车。The British Motor Corporation hired Alec Issigonis to design an economic car, at a time when bigness was all the rage.

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今日,在这波大萧条以降最惨澹的金融危机中,大型公司行号已然成为我们的心腹大患。Today, amid the wreckage of the gravest financial crisis since the Great Depression, bigness is one of our biggest problems.

‘那些强势的标志会让女性在潜意识里有更多安全感,反过来,也会提高女性对婚姻的满意度。’‘Those signs of bigness lead to a subconscious feeling within the woman of more security and, in turn, more marital satisfaction.’

双螺杆挤出机是粉末涂料生产中的重要设备,设备故障对粉末涂料的生产造成重大影响。Twin-screw extrude machine is an important machine in producing powder coatings, the errors affect bigness in producing powder coatings.

做这一研究,其意义不仅是研究基础知识,而且对于指导实践意义巨大。Discussion oes this a research, its meaning not only is to study the foundation knowledge, but also for guide fulfillment meaning bigness.

司法实践中可将涉林渎职犯罪的“前案”,即盗伐林木罪或者滥伐林木罪中“数量巨大”的标准,作为涉林渎职犯罪中“遭受重大损失”的衡量标准。The weigh standard may take the register criterion-Amount Greatness of the former case as the standard of the Else Bigness Loss in practice.

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在我国,水果品质检测大部分仍停留在靠人工感官进行识别判断的原始阶段,这种主观判定效率低,误差大。In our country, detections of fruits are mainly depended on the human's sense organs, which lead to lowness of efficiency and bigness of error.

经过江胜人的努力拼博及各界客户的鼎力支持,使公司完成了一个从无到有,从小到大的成长过程。Through Johnson people's hard work and the support of all the customers, our company has grown from nothing to something, from smallness to bigness.

他们崇拜大人物,也把小人物理想化,不论他是和大商人形成对照的小商人,还是和大权在握的人形成对照的平民百姓。They worship bigness yet idealize the little man, whether he be the small business man as opposed to the big one or the plain citizen as opposed to the big wheel.