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重建所需的费用只有一次。Reconstitute only the amount needed at one time.

PBSCT能迅速重建和恢复造血功能。Allo PBSCT can rapidly reconstitute hematopoiesis.

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12月,我必需要调整政府里的很大一部分成员。In December, I had to reconstitute a large part of my administration.

要泡开西红柿干,需要将其放在清水中用文火炖,直到它们变软。To reconstitute dried tomatoes, simmer in plain water until they are tender.

你可以把粉末运送到任何地方,就地恢复活性,并将其注射到人体内The powder you could ship anywhere, and reconstitute it onsite, and then it gets injected.

公司重组的方式有公司收购和公司兼并。The major methods used to reconstitute the company are acquisition of companies and merging.

传送器科技应用的装置,将物质“去物质化”,重组成另外的型态。Devices derived from transporter technology to dematerialize matter and then reconstitute it in another form.

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在反序列化过程中调用该构造函数来重建通过流传输的异常对象。This constructor is called during deserialization to reconstitute the exception object transmitted over a stream.

当然,会有担心机会出现的话伊拉克可能去尝试建立这种能力。Of course, there were worries that Iraq might try, if the opportunity presented itself, to reconstitute that capability.

显然,把它们重组为像先前那样的私人企业会是一个不可原谅的错误。Clearly, it would be an inexcusable mistake to reconstitute them as private companies in anything close to their prior form.

在伊拉克受人民拥戴的传教士穆克塔达•萨德尔已经扬言要重新建立马赫迪武装自卫队,驱逐留下的美军。Muqtada al-Sadr, a popular cleric, has threatened to reconstitute his Mahdi Army militia to drive out any remaining Americans.

“重建”意味着过程正在进入进行的状态,在这些方面,暗在功能在此之前还没有发生。To "reconstitute" means that the process has become ongoing and implicitly functions in respects in which it previously was not ongoing.

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即使一个攻击者获得权限看到你经过hash的密码,也不可能只从hash值重建密码。Even if an attacker gained access to the hashed version of your password, it's not possible to reconstitute the password from the hash value alone.

很多“基地”组织召募的成员来自也门和沙特阿拉伯边境的邻近地区,“基地”组织可能会试图在这一地区的边远角落集结残部。Many al Qaeda recruits come from near the Yemen-Saudi Arabian border, and al Qaeda may try to reconstitute itself in remote corners of that region.

而且我们也不知道那些目前处于困境之中正努力恢复其财产状况的消费者何时愿意重新开始消费。And we do not know when beleaguered consumers, now trying to reconstitute their decimated wealth position, will feel comfortable in beginning to spend.

我们的结果已经显示移植非常少的神经母细胞和神经元祖细胞能重建毁坏的脑组织区域和影响整个机体组织。We have shown that a really small transplant of neuroblasts and progenitors was able to reconstitute damaged brain areas and influence the whole organism.

我不会继续等待正面的信息,只是觉得现在是要让Oracle在另外保护伞下重新组建的时候了,如果他们这么选择的话。Rather than continue waiting for a more positive outcome, I believe it is time to let Oracle reconstitute things under some other umbrella, if they so choose.

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拇展肌岛状皮瓣修复足跟皮肤缺损面积大,皮肤血运、感觉好,负重行走不发生溃疡。Abductor hallucis muscle with skin flap graft can reconstitute larger areas of the heel skin defect with better blood circulation in skin tissues and fellings.

当我们遇到国家军事危机的时候,我们就必须重复做我们过去做过很多次的工作来重建我们的军队。When we have the next national military crisis, we would then have to do what we have had to do at times in the past, reconstitute our military all over again.

在这种情况下,我会意愿粉碎破坏性势力,修复和重构我的超灵,然后通过地心极光中的疗愈圣殿而将它们重铸。In this case, I intend to shatter the destructive forces, resurrect and reconstitute my oversouls, and then recast them through the healing temples in the aurora.