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他开始对大脑进行电击,然后突然之间He started zapping it and "Boom."

看电视则必须呆在家中,不断地调台来跳过广告。And watching TV requires that one stay home, and keep zapping.

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用激光照射皮肤后再接种疫苗,会不会使疫苗的效果更好?Would zapping your skin with a laser make your vaccination work better?

用超声波冲击睾丸能否成为输精管切除术的价廉、非侵入的替代方式?COULD zapping testicles with ultrasound provide a cheap, non-invasive alternative to vasectomy?

但把消防水管或办公室喷水系统换成电击杖仍为时尚早。But it's too early to replace a firefighter's hose or an office sprinkler system with a zapping wand.

死掉的蚊子不会传播疾病,而且一些新的高科技灭蚊方法也即将诞生。Dead mosquitoes don't carry diseases, and several high-tech new ways of zapping mozzies are in the offing.

建议中请求政府允许用辐射的方法来杀灭加工食品中的微生物。It asked the government for permission to destroy germs in many processed foods by zapping them with radiation.

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如果说我的研究没有说明什么,它还是透露了通过激光消除脂肪依据的是合乎科学、似乎可信的观点。If nothing else, myresearch revealed that getting rid of fat by zapping it with lasers isbased on a scientifically plausible idea.

首先,如果你对相对高能的光束轰然穿过空气这个事实有些担心,是可以理解的。For one thing, you would be forgiven for being a little worried about zapping relatively high-power energy beams through the atmosphere.

科学家们发现病人们大脑中一块特殊的区域会让他们产生要动一动自己手臂、嘴唇或舌头的冲动,而如果加大刺激强度到一定的临界点,会让病人们产生他们已经完成动作的错觉。The scientists found that zapping one particular part of the brain made their patients feel like they wanted to move their arms, lips or tongue.

研究者已证明,他们可以用电击溃火焰的方式灭火—用电棍直指火焰并通上电流。Researchers have shown that they can put out a fire by zapping it with electricity -- pointing an electrical wand at a flame and applying a current.

就像一场马拉松,数千名奔跑的人穿越布鲁克林大桥。zapping with electricity certain nerves that innervate the face. It’s like a marathon in which thousands of runners are crossing the Brooklyn Bridge.

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至少有那么一帮子军事技术人员在研究只针对敌方电子设备而非敌人本身的武器。That, at least, is the vision of a band of military technologists who are building weapons that work by zapping the enemy’s electronics, rather than blowing him to bits.

近来,日本带广畜产大学的科学家宣称,只要用超声波或电流击打土豆,就能使土豆变得更加有益健康。Potatoes can be made healthier simply by zapping them with ultrasound or electricity, said scientists from Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary medicine in Japan.

贝佐斯停了一小下,开始展示他在一款叫做“水果忍者”的游戏上的高超技巧,切碎飞过屏幕的西瓜和奇异果,他似乎一时间忘乎所以地投入了战斗,“我真的觉得它具有神奇的治愈疗效,不太舒服的治愈。”Bezos pauses briefly to exhibit his dexterity at a game called Fruit Ninja, zapping watermelons and kiwis that fly across the screen, and appears to momentarily lose himself in the effort.

堵在PF30和堵仪到每一个交流插座,我们确认,空调确实能够切换所有,但最暗和最间歇AC线路噪音。Plugging in the PF30 and plugging the analyzer into each of its AC outlets, we confirmed that the conditioner is indeed capable of zapping all but the faintest and most intermittent AC line noise.

有几个医生正试验一种新的治疗,包括罗伯特莱维博士,他是西北纪念医院的一位神经外科医生,参与到用电流破坏那些刺激脸部的神经。A new treatment being tried out by a few doctors, including Dr. Robert Levy, a neurosurgeon at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, involves zapping with electricity certain nerves that innervate the face.