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我们的国会会议总是我一周中最显要的部分。Our caucus meetings were always the highlight of my week.

假如凯尔同意,核心会议的多数人会随声附和。If Kyl agrees, the majority of the caucus will follow suit.

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不同的州和不同的政党实行不同的预选会议程序。Caucus procedures differ from state to state and party to party.

据悉,两位参议员共同担任参议院国民警卫队核心小组会议的主席。The senators serve as co-chairmen of the Senate National Guard Caucus.

简而言之,民主党预选会议采用比例代表制。Simply explained, the Democratic caucus employs proportional representation.

党内提名可大致分为预选、骨干会议和混合制三种形式。Forms of party nomination can be broadly classified as primary, caucus and mixture.

这次示威游行一年之后,弗莱顿帮助建立了全国妇女政治党团会议。A year after the march, Friedan helped establish the National Women's Political Caucus.

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佩洛西表示,在周一的众议院民主党党团会议上,将就这一问题进行讨论。Pelosi said she would meet with the House Democratic caucus Monday to discuss the matter.

罗山.贾森是东盟设在马来西亚的缅甸问题议会委员会负责人。Roshan Jason is executive director of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus in Malaysia.

但是从那时起,在每一场初选或者党团基层会议中,大批黑人都倾向于选奥巴马。But since then blacks in every primary or caucus have tended to vote for Obama in large numbers.

共和党将在每个党内预选党团会议地点投票选举选民推举的侯选人。获得半数以上选票者获胜。Republicans will select the candidate of their choice through a majority vote at each caucus site.

当他的核心小组委员会的主席,我们利用他无情地向劳里布里尔顿难堪。When he was chairman of the caucus committee, we used him mercilessly to embarrass Laurie Brereton.

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在国会,这个词指由同一政党或关注同一问题的议员组成的核心小组会。In Congress, a caucus is a meeting of members of the same political party or special interest group.

同时,民主党党团议会选举中希拉里?克林顿和巴拉克?奥巴马平分秋色。Meanwhile, Democrats share the stage here as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama vie for a caucus victory.

最近,我是一个——最近获得2011年国会党团会议论文黑色基金会奖学金。Recently -- recently, I was a recipient of the 2011 Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Essay Scholarship.

磋商是正式辩论过程中一种深入讨论议题的方式。Caucus is a form of discussion in formal debate, in which delegates may discuss a subtopic more specifically.

来自美国国会的黑人核心小组代表团,在哈瓦那会见了古巴总理劳尔·卡斯特罗。A delegation from the black caucus of the United States' Congress met Cuba's president, Raúl Castro, in Havana.

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使在正式辩论和有主持核心磋商过程中程度上达不到的自由交换意见成为可能。Enables the free sharing of ideas to an extent which is not possible in formal debate or even a moderated caucus.

德克萨斯的选举是初选和党内预选同时举行,克林顿在初选中险胜,但是党内预选的选票仍在清点中。Texas has both a primary and a caucus. Clinton narrowly won the primary, but caucus results are still being counted.

澳洲的主要政党仍然只知道小题大做,说什么应该进行良心投票什么的,等等废话连篇。And our major Parties are still faffing about with"oh, should it be a conscience vote", and other such caucus nonsense.