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国王解散了议会。The king dissolved parliament.

斐济实行两院制议会。Fiji"s Parliament is bicameral.

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贵族院就是英国议会的上院。House of the British Parliament.

肯尼亚议会将在本周重新召开。Parliament reconvened this week.

国会否决了新法令。Parliament tossed the new law out.

那是巴勒斯坦人的国会。That's the parliament of Palestine.

以色列共和国的单院的议会。The unicameral parliament of Israel.

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议会准许妇女选举。The parliament permits women to vote.

他们极力争取使该法案在国会获得通过。They fought the bill through parliament.

然而,这个国会只存在了两年。Yet the parliament lasted only two years.

您晓得,参议员,是曼克斯议会。You know, councillor, the Manx parliament.

1766年,英国议会撤消了印花税法案。In 1766, Parliament repealed the Stamp Act.

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但是由议会来管理所有事情。But the running of everything is Parliament.

法律还须经议会批准。Law still subject to approval by Parliament.

因暑假议会休会。Parliament be prorogue for the summer recess.

因暑假议会休会。Parliament is prorogue for the summer recess.

议会中的九个席位他有授予权。Nine seats in parliament were now in his gift.

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英国两院制议会的上院。Upper house of Britain's bicameral Parliament.

科威特政府解散了议会。In Kuwait, the government dismissed parliament.

在英国,人们为议会成员选举投票。In the UK, people vote for members of parliament.