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让我们把他们碾得粉碎。Let's crush them.

别弄皱我的衣服。Don't crush my dress.

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后来,陷入了热恋。Later, caught in the crush.

彼得暗恋着珍妮。Peter has a crush on Jenny.

这种料子不会打皱的。This material doesn't crush.

鲍伯一直在爱着露西。Bob has always had a crush on Lucy.

抗压性和灵活性5。Crush resistance and flexibility 5.

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这沉重负担不久会使你困苦。This heavy load will crush you soon.

把透明状的东西碎成小块。Crush the crystals into small pieces.

我想东尼会迷恋于你。I think Tony may have a crush on you.

我迷恋上了梅什金公爵。I developed a crush on Prince Myshkin.

把药片压碎放在广口瓶里。Crush your pills and put them in a jar.

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我已经对她一见倾心。I was already developing a crush on her.

那台机器能把石头碾成粉末。The machine can crush rocks into powder.

制葡萄酒得先碾榨葡萄。To make wine you first crush the grapes.

我的装甲部队将会打垮你可怜的军队。My armor will crush your pathetic forces.

若要造酒,需先将葡萄压碎。To make wine, you first crush the grapes.

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粉碎少数孜然或茴香种子和添加。Crush a few cumin or fennel seeds and add.

粉碎它的‘四书五经’和‘小学’吧!Crush it the 'classics' and 'primary' bar!

即使你心如磐石,我仍愿飞蛾扑火。If you'er the rock, i still crush against.