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一般而言,你可以在自己创造的这套IVCM情景。In general, you can create IVR scenarios by yourself in IVCM.

该系统支持WEB和IVR两种技术发送传真。This system supports two methods to access, which are WEB and IVR.

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阿语的IVR宏标记使用从未被发现和讲多种语言。A markup of IVR phrase macros to use from IVRs and to speak multiple languages.

在将来,你也可以下载预先定义这套方案从我们的网站。In the future, you can also download pre-defined IVR scenarios from our website.

你需要这套方案使各边远来电IVCM回应互动。You need various IVR scenarios to enable IVCM to respond remote callers interactively.

的IVR工厂是第一次进入房间,最后一个用户用户提供的留在房间里。IVR facility is provided for the first user entering the room and last user remained in the room.

语音识别技术在新一代呼叫中心的IVR系统中得到了广泛的应用。The speech recognition technology has been widely used in the IVR system of the new generation of the call center.

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2009年中国即将举办国际法哲学大会,中国法律方法论研究与发展面临史为重要的历史机遇。With China hosting the IVR in 2009, the research on legal methodology in China is facing critical chances for development.

对于这个项目,我们需要的图形用户界面要与Asterisk开发和整合,使其灵活的IVR开发工具。For this project, we need the GUI interface to be developed and integrated with Asterisk to make a flexible IVR development tool.

通过在传统的IVR系统中添加SALT语音标记,使IVR系统实现了语音识别的功能。Through adding SALT pronunciation mark in traditional IVR system, we can make IVR system realize the function of phonetic recognition.

随着3CX的IVR实施,当这个属性的值是“真”,是排队的消息,直到它需要等待DTMF数字。With the 3CX IVR implementation, when the value of this property is "True", the message is queued until it needs to wait for DTMF digits.

张维作先生推进的夜间统一值班整合模式、IVR分组接话模式等,对提高工作人员效率及服务水平起到了关键性的作用。The pushing of duty-at-night mode and group by group IVR answering mode take very important part in improving work efficiency and service level.

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借助CT技术和计算机辅助技术,在电子政务框架下,基于IVR系统对税务电话报税系统进行了初步探讨。By dint of the CT and computer assistant technology, based on IVR system, this paper discusses telephone tax declaration system in the frame of E-government.

为企业提供IVR脚本的生成、管理工具,可供自由定制脚本,集中式自动语音转换。Enterprise Information Portal Service The system provides the means of IVR service of enterprise information requiring for the customers dial the portal number.

最后,通过比较基于SALT技术的IVR系统与传统IVR系统,本文总结出将SALT技术应用于IVR系统的巨大优势。Finally, through comparing IVR system based on SALT technology and traditional IVR system, this text summarizes the enormous advantage of applying SALT technology to IVR system.

其中IVR过程与溶剂性质基本无关,由于受激发态富余振动能量大小的影响,在实验温度范围内随温度降低其时间常数呈线性增加。The difference of the average vibrational energy of solute molecules in the ground state at different temperature is a possible reason that induces this IVR time constants temperature dependence.

乘客服务热线系统以IVR流程的定制和CRM软件的开发为核心,采用多种关键技术,保证系统的先进性和可靠性。Passenger service hotline system takes customized IVR flow and CRM software development as its core. And it adopts a variety of key technologies, guaranteed the extensible and advanced of the system.