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最后一段表达得不明确。The last paragraph is ambiguously phrased.

注意在这里,保罗的立场很不清晰。Notice in this,Paul himself is rather ambiguously placed.

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对于有没有送礼祝贺,周渝民含糊回答。Regarding has gives a present the congratulation, Zhou Yumin replied ambiguously.

公地悲剧是界定不清的模糊产权引起的最严重的激励问题。Tragedy of the commons is the worst incentive problem provoked by ambiguously defined property rights.

“但是,我可嫁给了他,”茉特尔含糊其词地说,“这就是你的情况和我的情况不同的地方。”"Well, I married him, " said Myrtle, ambiguously . "And that's the difference between your case and mine.

明明不愿意表露自己的心思,说出口的话却又隐约带着娇责怨嗔。Clearly would not favor to show own mind, talk oscular words but again to ambiguously take a Jiao duty hatred Chen.

它也触及了一些人时,那里,为什么与这句话常常含糊解释。It also touches on some of the who, what, when, where, and whys associated with this often ambiguously interpreted phrase.

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所有继续上是一种隐约明白清楚,否认他说。但即使是我,我不会告诉你的。All Hibernophile Nakamoto-hunters have to go on is an ambiguously worded denial from Clear, in which he says, "I'm not Satoshi."

记者致电杭州多家豪车品牌,大多含糊其词不愿明说。Reporter sends a telegram to the Hangzhou many bold vehicle brands, mostly talks ambiguously not to be willing to state clearly.

但是它同时也把人们带回了对日本的战后核困境的关注,这种困境已经由哥斯拉系列电影进行了含混不清的阐释。But it also brings back into focus Japan’s awkward postwar nuclear predicament that was ambiguously illustrated by the Godzilla series.

现在,再傻的人都似乎隐约明白发生什么事情了,小世子为什么这么害怕李元奇?Now, again stupid persons all seem ambiguously comprehend casualty what affair, small son of a feudal lord why so frightened Li Yuan Qi?

画皮“直意为”为自己画一张脸“,悖论是这既是表面的虚假又是内心最真实的显现。Painting Skin means paint a skin ourselves, it is superficial and maybe unreal, yet ambiguously it is the realistic appearance of heart.

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其他人通常会人为这个isfj很挑剔思想僵化,对这个世界有很多偏激的想法。These individuals usually come across as somewhat judgemental and full of fixed and often rather ambiguously polarised ideas about the world.

又由于政府公信力作为客观存在而又无形的政治资源,在社会信用体系中居于核心地位。And as rare political resource that exists objectively but ambiguously , the public trust of government plays an important role in the social credit systems.

男孩突然给女孩发了个视频,女孩措手不及,擦干泪水,接受了,男孩隐约看到女孩脸上的泪水,和微红的双眼。The boy suddenly had a video for girls, girls hair dry flat-footed, tears, accepted, the boy ambiguously see the girl's face, and a slight red tears to my eyes.

夜空繁星点点,北斗西斜,远处隐约传来公鸡的啼鸣声,天就快要亮了。The night sky heavy star orders a point, Big Dipper the west is inclined, the distance ambiguously spreads the Ti call of rooster, and the sky is getting brighter soon.

巨蟒两只黄色的眼睛在黑暗中发出荧光,我仍旧大气也不敢出,隐约看见巨蟒轻轻顶了两下,见石头没动静。Eyes in 2 pythons yellow at darkly in send out fluorescence, I still the atmosphere doesn't dare as well, ambiguously saw a python lightly a crest two times, see rock have no action.

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谢导对于艺术的追求从来没有含糊过,可谓苛刻,但是对于生活,却可用“不讲究”来形容谢导。Thanks leads ambiguously regarding the artistic pursue never, is it may be said that harsh, but regarding the life, actually available "is not fastidious" described that thanks leads.

于是那位女仆把电话放下之后,那位先生在电话中隐约的听到了,那位女仆上楼与下楼的脚步声和一连串的枪声。Hence after that housemaid let go of telephone, that Sir ambiguously heard in the telephone, that housemaid go upstairs with come downstairs of footstep voice and a series of gun voice.

在“隐约性感”的情况下,小女孩穿的是一条豹纹的及膝裙,豹纹花案经常出现在性感衣服中,但这一衣着并没有过分性感。In the "ambiguously sexualized" condition, the girl wore a modest-length dress with a leopard-print pattern — a pattern that is often associated with sexy clothes, but is not overtly sexual.