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他的镇静使我们上了当。His composure threw us off.

他表现得非常镇静。He behaved with great composure.

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那天下午我失去的不仅仅是镇静。I’d lost more than my composure that afternoon.

英格兰队会对他的镇静会奖赏什么。What England would have given for his composure.

不久,他回过神来并且悻悻然地走回家。Soon he got back his composure and walked sulkily home.

沉着和果断会为他们赢得成功。Composure and determination will help them achieve success.

“那就喝吧,”他回答着,依然冷酷如前,不动声色。"Drink, then," replied he, still with the same cold composure.

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“那就喝吧,”他回答着,依然冷酷如前,不动声色。"Drink, then, " replied he, still with the same cold composure.

面试过程中一直保持微笑、镇定和热情。Maintain smile, composure and enthusiasm throughout your interview.

面对这些轻微滋扰,他沉着冷静、保持沉默。In these slight ruffles he retained both his composure and his reticence.

起初他从著名的镇静立刻放松了并且开始赛跑。At the start he immediately relaxed and began racing with notable composure.

在散发出高档剃须润肤水那幽微香气的同时,他透出成功者特有的沉着镇定。He emits, along with a hint of expensive aftershave, the composure of success.

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镇定沉着。如果你能够在有压力的情况下显得冷静,她会注意到的。Composure. If you can keep your cool under stressful situations, she'll notice.

一个很好的帮助他恢复精神集中和镇静的方法是深深呼吸。One tool that helps him regain focus and composure is taking a few deep breaths.

“那就让她来我们家吧,”伯特伦夫人极其坦然地说。"Then she had better come to us, " said Lady Bertram, with the utmost composure.

船长表现得尤其从容镇定,行动中丝毫没有失去冷静。The commander showed great sangfroid and acted without ever losing his composure.

即便她的古典音乐品味,也符合其严谨沉着的气质。Even her taste in classical music speaks to her sense of discipline and composure.

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然而米林镇静十足地向外伸出风笛并奏出果断的声音。Yet Millin projected an outward bearing of complete composure and utter determination.

古蒂是一名强壮而快速的前锋,他有着优秀的控球能力,在禁区里十分冷静。Gutierrez is a strong and fast striker with excellent control and composure in the box.

喔,她脸上带着严肃的表情,而且腿上还摆放着亚特兰大奥运会的吉祥物——伊仔的复制品。Well, a certain composure and a stuffed replica of Izzy, the Olympic mascot, in her LAP.