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我想婚礼在马里布举行。I think the wedding is in Malibu.

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切尔西你不想要马里布的海景房了吗?。Chelsea, what about your Malibu beach house?

马里布海滩闻起来都是鳀鱼味儿。Malibu Beach ' s smell is the flavor of anchovy.

我们1988年在马利布的山上结婚。We were married in 1988 in the hills above Malibu.

是的,白色。我们知道马利布没有在佛罗里达州。Yes, the white one. We know Malibu isn't in Florida.

让我们给我爸爸的女朋友一个完美的马里布式欢迎。Let's give my dad's girlfriend the perfect Malibu welcome.

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于是我想,对,应该是关于在马里布的阳光和性的故事。So I thought, right, stories of sun, surf and sex in Malibu.

现在,她和好朋友一起参加马里布一年度的冲浪比赛。Now, her friends together for a year of malibu surfing competition.

你能不能帮我在海上修条高速公路能从我家门口直达那里?Could you create a highway from my beachfront home in Malibu to Hawaii?

于是通用重新设计了马里布使之行驶起来更平稳更舒适。Then came a redesign that made the Malibu sleeker and more comfortable.

咖啡杯入玛丽宝椰香利口酒再入咖啡,上加鲜奶油。Pour Malibu Liqueur into coffee cup. Add coffee. Top with whipped cream.

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我们花了马利布瓶上,并使他们比赛的一部分。We've taken the Malibu Bottles off the bar, and made them part of the game.

在七月底,则是马利布艺术节,有很多可看的东西。In end of July, there's the Malibu Art Festival, which has a bit of everything.

其它一些伟大的地方苞括蒸笼里,Malibu和林孔,所以不要错过他们。Some other great places include Steamer Lane Malibu and Rincon so don't miss them.

其它一些伟大的地方包括蒸笼里,Malibu和林孔,所以不要错过他们。Some other great places include Steamer Lane, Malibu and Rincon so don't miss them.

美宜堡也比捷达更大,它比捷达约长1英尺,车内空间也要大些。The Malibu is also 'more car' than the Jetta -- about a foot longer and roomier inside.

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她居住在马里布高档海滨社区附近。The neighborhood where she lives is the exclusive of seaside community of Malabo Malibu.

该司机说,马利布是一个非常丰富的城市,因为有许多好莱坞电影明星住在这里。The driver said Malibu is a very rich town because a lot of Hollywood movie stars live here.

山火烧焦了马利布,摧毁了福建的房屋,居民被迫疏散到安全地带。Wildfires are scorching the Malibu area, destroying homes and forcing others to flee to safer ground.