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电影站,正规的。Movie Station, formal.

债券是正式的契据。A bond is a formal deed.

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是否穿礼服自便。Formal dress is optional.

咱们不要搞得太拘泥形式了。Let's not make this too formal.

我们讲点正经事儿Do a bit more formal stuff here.

仅在最正式的场合。Only in the most formal moments.

在正式的晚餐时,需要说祝词。Toasts are given at formal meals.

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而在这里,生活节奏更正式一些。and up here a little more formal.

我们用正式点的语言来表达吧So let's just be a bit more formal.

正式主题以凫蓝圆显示The formal subjects as teal circles

关于这种论题的正式辩论。Formal disputation of such an issue.

我只在正式场合才打领带。I only wear ties on formal occasion.

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请上发卷作适合正式场合的发型。Please set it for a formal occasion.

这种高顶礼帽只有在正式场合才能戴。The top hat is for formal occasions.

在正式的场合非常漂亮。Very attractive on formal occasions.

舟楫是船的正式说法。Zhouji is the formal saying of boat.

女士是否需着正式服装?ould the ladies wear formal dresses?

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这顶高顶丝质礼帽是正式场合用的。This top hat is for formal occasions.

他穿着蓝色牛崽裤去参加一个正式的晚宴。He wore blue jeans to a formal dinner.

看你着着牛仔裤出现时was formal and you showed up in jeans?