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朋友租的连排别墅。My friend rent the townhouse.

朋友在多伦多新买的连排别墅。My friend's new bought townhouse in Toronto.

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我想卖掉我市内的房子,买一栋真正的房子。C-I want to sell my townhouse and get a real home.

首先用铅笔轻力在水彩纸上起稿。Draft the townhouse on watercolor paper with pencil.

每3层的住宅楼在顶端有观景的私人花园。Each 3-story townhouse has space for a private garden and views from an upper deck.

是的,她早上到市政厅工作,下午则在家里带儿子。Yes, she works at the townhouse in the morning, and takes care of our son at home in the afternoon.

她和男朋友一起住在位于伦敦东部的一幢维多利亚式排屋中,他们的公寓有两个卧室。She lives in a two-bedroom Victorian townhouse in London’s East End that she shares with her boyfriend.

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该项目位于北京东郊一处居住区之中,设计范围是联排别墅楼当中一个单元的上下三层。The project is a three-story townhouse located in a residential area in the eastern suburbs of Beijing.

联排式小住宅的居住空间是中产阶层张扬自我个性的空间。The resident space of the townhouse is a space for middle-classes to blazon forth their self-personalities.

市区内一睡房空闲,分担各种费用,包括电费电话费网费。City townhouse one bedroom available now, share all expenses include home line phone, ADSL internet, electricity.

在纽约市买一套两居室的共管公寓或联排别墅平均高达年租金的32倍左右。The average two-bedroom condo or townhouse in New York city costs about 32 times as much to buy as it does to rent.

摈弃七十年代的痕迹,这座住宅楼通过良好的设计,高品质的做工和材料应用,被赋予了新的生命。Exorcised of the seventies, this townhouse was given new life through good design, quality workmanship and materials.

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凉面店设计有町屋式的木质百叶板,唤起人们对日本传统住宅的记忆。Located in central Tokyo, the 'soba' noodle shop has Machiya-style wooden louvers, invoking a traditional Japanese townhouse.

这是在“凉亭”的对话,一个一本正经的高层人士所去的餐厅,离他纽约上东区的豪宅不远。This was in The Summerhouse , a discreetly upscale restaurant just down the street from his townhouse on the Upper East Side.

进入21世纪,联排式小住宅作为一种健康的居住形态在我国大城市兴建起来,并受到购房人的青睐。The townhouse is being built as a healthy inhabitation form and boosted by the purchasers with the entering into 21st century.

2008年,同一个组织又从博物馆获取了大约200片石灰岩残块,它们来自于1910年建造的西57号大街市政厅外面哥特复兴风格的建筑装饰。In 2008, the same group took possession of about 200 limestone fragments from the 1910 Gothic Revival facade of a West 57th Street townhouse.

优山美地C区为现代中式建筑,分为独栋、双拼、联排三种建筑形态。Zone C of YOSEMITE is of modern Chinese architecture, classified into three architectural forms, i. e. detached, semi-detached and townhouse.

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实际上诺曼·梅勒,就住在那边那座联排别墅里。你不知道我想去敲他的门,想了多少次了。And actually, Norman Mailer Used to live in that townhouse right there. You can't imagine how many times I thought about knocking on his door.

本案是深圳市香蜜湖中旅国际公馆内的一幢连排别墅,小区园林景观错落有致,林荫小道,鸟语花香。This townhouse sits on the Zhonglv community in Xiangmihu, Shenzhen, The community boasts gardens, shadowy paths, song of birds and scent of flowers.

莫莉恩-窦德的小别墅里挤满了演艺圈的人——拉里-戴维斯,,乔治-卢卡斯,雷-哈维德,甚至汤姆-汉克斯和本-阿弗莱克想进去都得费点劲儿。Maureen Dowd's townhouse so jammed with stars -- Larry David, George Lucas, Ron Howard -- that even Tom Hanks and Ben Affleck have trouble getting in.