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耳塞和麦克风端不可小于4磅。The earpiece and microphone should not be less than 4lbs.

分离式耳机和话筒以消除回音。Acoustically isolated earpiece and microphone to eliminate echo.

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Kambala是一部很酷的手机,他可以直接变成一个耳机。Kambala is a cool mobile phone that transforms into an earpiece.

他甚至不问我和谁一起,听筒里的忙音一声高过一声。He even ask me and who together, the tone earpiece 1 above a cry.

该适配器既是听筒,也是控制器。The dongle acts as both an earpiece and a controller for the phone.

杰克目瞪口呆,他找了个借口从尼娜面前离开,通过无线麦克风警告盖恩斯不要轻举妄动。He excuses himself from Nina to threaten Gaines through the earpiece.

盖恩斯通过无线麦克风,指示杰克将她弄出办公室所在的建筑物。Gaines through the earpiece tells Jack to get her out of the building.

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检查耳机是否放到合适的位置。Ensure whether the earpiece is properly reposed back into the BT Car Kit.

杰克指令尼娜驾驶他的车,将盖恩斯通过无线麦克风指示的方向告知给她。Jack has Nina drive the car giving her directions fed from Gaines through the earpiece.

用户可以通过开启免提功能或有线耳机来获得这个距离。Users can also use the speakerphone function or a wired earpiece to gain some distance.

这意味着用户可以直接使用蓝牙耳机,不用另外再去买一个。This means the user can use a Bluetooth earpiece and not have to purchase one separately.

舒适、长时间戴用的轻便头戴式单听筒设计。It brings lightweight over-the-head single earpiece design for comfortable extended-wear use.

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但现在我们认为,诺基亚有固定的问题和新耳机模块无缺陷。But for now we assume that Nokia have fixed the problem and new earpiece modules are defect-free.

但是当她从车里走出来的时候,那笔挺的站姿和她佩戴的黑色耳机看起来有点不一样。But as she stepped out of the car, her ramrod posture and black earpiece suggested something was amiss.

设想一下,可以通过耳机的语音提示或运动鞋的震动,获知你朋友的位置,无论他们在哪里。“Imagine audio cues through an earpiece or sneakers vibrating wherever your friends are,” van der Klein said.

最后,在联合新闻发布会上,推特宇宙开始推测特朗普是否有带耳机。Finally, during a joint news conference, the Twitterverse started speculating about whether or not Trump was wearing an earpiece.

孩子和他们的主要看护人一起做情感管理和成长,治疗学家则通过耳机指示看护人。Children work with their primary caregivers, who are coached via an earpiece by a therapist, on emotional regulation and development.

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自从这项研究完成以后,她开始使用手机上的耳机,她把此举说成“保卫而非多疑”。Since completing the study she has started using an earpiece with her mobile phone, a move she described as "conservative, not paranoid".

如果你仍然为戴哪种帽子而犹豫不决,我建议当你路过商店时在帽子的柜台试试一些不同的款式。If you still for wear which cap merely hesitant, I recommend when you pass along a cache try some different styles in the earpiece counter.

母亲和女儿一起在地板上玩玩具,同时一位治疗师在一面镜子后通过无线耳机指导妈妈该如何去做。The mother and daughter played together on the floor with toys, while a therapist behind a mirror coached the mother via a wireless earpiece.