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他受诱惑而走向毁灭。He was lured to destruction.

消灭所有入侵者!Destruction to all trespassers!

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他中计而陷于死地。He was entrapped to destruction.

我祈祷着飞蛾扑火的毁灭。I pray for desperate destruction.

阴间哪,你的毁灭在那里?Where is your destruction o sheol ?

毁灭和苦难伴随战争而来。Destruction and misery attend on war.

首先,破坏需要消耗时间和弹药。First, destruction takes time and ammo.

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自负可能导致自毁。Self-conceit may lead to self destruction.

摧毁马尔戴克是有预谋的。The destruction of Maldek was premeditated.

还有“在正午把人毁灭的毒病”。And“the destruction that wasteth at noonday”

那么是什么引起了这些野蛮的破坏?So what touched off such wanton destruction?

局部骨质破坏,日光放射样改变。Destruction of bone with sunburst appearance.

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毁灭看来是索伊尼计划中的一部分。Destruction seems to be part of Soini's plan.

他们带来的只是仇恨和破坏。They offer nothing but hatred and destruction.

可能有重塑性骨破坏。There can be bone destruction with remodelling.

威海路696号,是否可以得以保留呢?Will 696 Weihai Road be saved from destruction?

④局限性骨质增生与破坏。Destruction of hone with limited osteosclerosis.

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毁灭和苦难是战争的必然结果。Destruction and suffering are corollaries of war.

诡诈的舌头阿,你爱说一切毁灭的话。Destruction is in all your words, O false tongue.

再坚贞的爱情,还是抵不过现实的摧残。More faithful love, or is still real destruction.