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腌腊肠就是发生的事!Pickled bologna is what happens!

今天早上他来过吃过红肠。He came in for bologna this morning.

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一起来博洛尼亚探索菲列德罗的世界。Come to Bologna to discover the world of Foglie d'Oro.

并且这是有安博多-德-波罗格那注释的版本。And this is the version annotated by Umberto de Bologna.

如今许多学生咒骂“博洛尼亚”是资本家的阴谋。Many students now anathematise "Bologna" as a capitalist plot.

显然,在波伦亚大学的自治中学生占主导地位。Clearly, the autonomy of the University of Bologna students dominant.

熟悉他们旅游计划的人士表示,他们来自意大利博洛尼亚地区。People familiar with their plans said they lived in the Bologna area.

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几次会议分别在博洛尼亚在1547年,仅仅标明的时间。Several sessions were held at Bologna in 1547, a mere marking of time.

意甲16轮周六率先进行的比赛,博洛尼亚和那不勒斯都赢了球。In the anticipated matches of the 16th matchday Bologna and Napoli win.

锡耶纳排名第六,博洛尼亚第七,因而意大利统治了这份榜单。Italy dominated the list, with Siena in sixth place and Bologna seventh.

博洛尼亚同尤文中场埃克达尔就个人条件已经达成一致。Bologna have agreed to personal terms with Juventus midfielder Albin Ekdal.

义大利冰淇淋大学位于波隆那附近,提供制作冰淇淋的课程。The Gelato University near Bologna is offering courses in ice cream making.

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1270年至1280年期间,那些在博洛尼亚使用的器械进一步完美化了。The instruments used were further perfected in Bologna between 1270 and 1280.

博洛尼亚中央车站是意大利铁路系统主要的汇合点。Bologna Central Station is a major junction within the Italian railway system.

切尔西完成了16岁博洛尼亚前锋法比奥·波利尼的签约。Chelsea have completed the signing of 16 year-old Bologna striker Fabio Borini.

博洛尼亚为湖人队的很多球星提供了少量的合同。Virtus Bologna has made numerous contract offers to the Los Angeles Lakers star.

我想我不会在和博洛尼亚的比赛中派上他们,迪达和卡福除外。I don't think I'll play them against Bologna with the exception of Dida and Cafu.

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该报告已经由詹弗兰科博洛尼亚为首的专家小组编制完成。The report has been prepared by group of specialists headed by Gianfranco Bologna.

而波洛尼亚进程又是欧洲一体化在高等教育领域的反映。And Bologna Progress is the reflection of European integration in higher education.

他以前从来没吃过装在罐子里的腊肠并且事实上买会来后从来没吃过。He had never tried bologna in a jar before and never actually ate it after buying it.