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奥运会自行车比赛是在一个赛车场。In Olympic Cycling, the races are held in a velodrome.

1938年世界杯上,维洛德罗姆球场只承办了两场比赛。In 1938 the Stade Velodrome was used for only two games.

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而此次在北京,英国骑手的高科技赛车以及丰厚资金支持却让人艳羡不已。In Beijing the British cyclists' high-tech bikes and budget were the envy of the velodrome.

选手在带有倾斜弯道轨道的室内赛车场地上拼命地蹬他们的自行车。Cyclists pedal their bikes furiously when riding in the velodrome on a track with banked turns.

场地自行车比赛在在椭圆形的,有倾斜的直道与弯道的赛车场上进行。The races are held in a velodrome which is an oval racing track with banked straights and turns.

尽管不像真正的自行车赛场那样充满压力,但对于这个年龄段的小朋友来说输了比赛也是惨痛的教训。It's a far cry from the pressure of the velodrome but even at this age learning to lose is a harsh lesson.

瓦尔布艾纳是欧洲众多俱乐部所追逐的目标,很多媒体猜测他是否能够维洛德罗姆球场履行他的长期合同。Valbuena is a target for a host of clubs across Europe as doubts grow over his long-term future at Stade Velodrome.

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一些场馆,特别是已经获得斯特灵奖提名的室内赛车场,得到了比其他场馆更多的赞扬。Some venues, especially the velodrome that has already been nominated for the Stirling Prize, have garnered more plaudits than others.

这一特性尤其是在柏林室内赛车场及奥运游泳馆和汉城梨花女子大学设计中体现出来。This last characteristic is evident especially in the Velodrome and Olympic Swimming Pool in Berlin and Ewha Women's University in Seoul.

那你们在亚运会自行车馆投标时应该是胸有成中的吧,给我们讲讲投标过程中的故事吧!I guess you must have a card up your sleeve for the tender in the Asian Games Velodrome. Can you share with us your story about the bidding?

很快维洛德罗姆体育场就迎来了1938年世界杯上的第一场比赛,由卫冕冠军意大利迎战来自斯堪的纳维亚半岛的新军挪威队。The first match in the Velodrome in the 1938 FIFA World Cup was the first-round clash between holders Italy and Scandinavian hopefuls Norway.

马赛非常需要一名经验丰富的中后卫,而西米奇看起来则是合适的人选,马赛队以第二名结束了本赛季的法甲联赛。The Ligue 1 side is in need of an experienced central defender and Simic might represent the ideal solution for the Velodrome outfit, which ended the season in second place.