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从书中我看到了自杀,看到了奴隶制。I see suicide. I see slavery.

现在,奴隶制保卫战的本质是什么呢Now, how is slavery defended?

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没有爱的工作是一件苦差事。Work without love is a slavery.

我认为个人债务类似于奴役制。I view personal debt as slavery.

他们从奴役中被解放出来。They were delivered from slavery.

我们决不甘受奴役。We shall never submit to slavery.

他领导我们废除了奴隶制。He headed us abolishing the slavery.

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我决不把自己卖身为奴隶。I won't sell my freedom for slavery.

当工作变成一种义务的时候,生活则是一种苦役!When work is a duty, lfe is slavery.

卡片时代·你成“卡奴”了吗?Have you been the "slavery" of cards?

嗯,他是怎样为奴隶制辩护的?Well, what is his defense of slavery?

所有人道主义者都反对奴隶制。All humanitarians are against slavery.

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人们力言应废除奴隶制度。It was urged that slavery be abolished.

阿伯拉罕·林肯对奴隶制嫉恨如仇。Abraham Lincoln was the enemy of slavery.

我还须证明奴隶制的邪恶吗?Must I argue the wrongfulness of slavery?

亚里士多德告诉我们奴役是自然的演变。Aristotle tells us that slavery is natural.

至于奴隶制,它本身就是错的As to the principle of slavery it is wrong.

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我们不甘受奴役。We shall never submit ourselves to slavery.

他感到借债便是奴役的开始。A debt was, to him, the beginning of slavery.

许多人为废除奴隶制度而奋斗.Many men fought for the abolition of slavery.